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Prix 1987 - 2007

ORF Oberösterreich

Narc Beacon
Kristian Vester

Kristian Vester grew up in a Danish suburb spending school years trading computers and electronic devices as well as doing home puzzles! Over the last ten years he has been working as a programmer and inventor for various companies with clients such as Hitachi, Lego, Warner and Columbia Pictures.
The Goodiepal also works in some unknown capacity for several large corporations including Lego and Nokia. In fact he makes sound for them. In fact, he just composed the theme song for the new Nokia advertising campaign. Then, without their knowlege, he remixed his own corporate theme song into a fragile and stupid little mess and released it onto this 7 single complete with the new Nokia logo, all before Nokia had a chance to release it for real themselves.
Nokia of course got really upset. In a way he acted like a mad scientist cartoon spy, stealing silly sounds and silly colorful blobs from their top secret laboratory, then smuggling them out to his small but growing public. Nobody blinks an eye? Was this a critique? Was this sabotage? Was this a way to take back something that he did not want to get away? Was it just a theatrical gesture?
Goodiepal s music has a fundamental music ideology that can be traced back to Danish outsiders like Rude Langaard and Niels Viggo Gade. Over the last three years Kristian Vester has been touring the world extensively. As the Goodiepal is now busy working on a new language which will not be presented until 2003, until then Mainpal is awake, alive and very active with releases and playing live.
The Mainpal rules. He has self awareness, he knows when he has done something questionable. He can seriously double check, and laugh about anything.