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Prix 1987 - 2007

ORF Oberösterreich

Director's Cut

Rechenzentrum release material in numerous formats, testing the possibilities and limitations of each, often involving collaborations with artists based in other media and genres. According to Rechenzentrum, the philosophy behind this approach is that it is necessary to break down borders of performative context, from playing in museums and new music festivals to clubs and underground music events. However, this was not why the group originally started. Their initial concerns were quite basic: no one was releasing the kind of music that Rechenzentrum wanted to hear or the kind of video that it wanted to see, let alone combined them in innovative and appealing ways. Five years later, the group has largely found – both for itself and in terms of the audience reaction that it has generated – that their extremely imaginative DIY approach has largely prevailed and opened up numerous creative possibilities that they did not anticipate being available to them when Rechenzentrum first started.