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Prix 1987 - 2007

Ars Electronica Linz & ORF Oberösterreich

Lilly Maier

My biggest hobby is reading. That’s why I made a homepage: to encourage other kids to read and to exchange information with other enthusiastic “Lesemäuse” (bookmice).

I have been working on my homepage since I was twelve. Lesemaus has been online since November 8, 2004. All the pictures on my site were drawn by my friend Sai Yang.

I wrote the website without using any special aids directly in HTML code. As far as the design goes, I deliberately kept Lesemaus simple (and made do without the originally planned Flash elements). I wanted to make my site as easy to use as possible for beginning readers and primary school kids who don’t have much experience with the Internet yet.

At Lesemaus, you can read through book reviews by other children or send in your own. You can write your own stories for the category “Stories of My Own” and read stories by other kids. Under “News” you’ll find information about what is happening in the book world, and under “New Publications” you’ll find my short descriptions of recently published books. There is also a list of links to sites about books, as well as a visitors’ book and a forum. This year there’ll also be a competition in which the best book reviews will be awarded book prizes.