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Prix 1987 - 2007

Ars Electronica Linz & ORF Oberösterreich

Die Fische und der Hai
Stjepan Milicevic, Markus Weber

Die Fische und der Hai consists of a series of drawings which we made in our “Profikids” computer course. First we thought up a story, and then we tried to illustrate it. Our goal was to make an animated cartoon.

Every little movement of the figures had to be stored on the computer so that in the end it would look like the figures were moving. Next we pasted each drawing into PowerPoint and designed a screen presentation. So that it would look like a film, we still had to animate the pictures, that is, make them move. PowerPoint is good at doing this. This all sounds really easy, but it was hard work getting this animated cartoon done. Especially drawing all the pictures took hours. We also didn’t always agree about how we should solve certain things, but we managed and are proud to be able to present our film.

The plot: A shark is following some fish. This annoys the fish and so they decide to put up a fight. They give the shark a bloody nose. A shark ambulance takes him to the hospital where he is put in a wheel chair and rolled into the examination room. The last picture gives viewers the chance to pick out what will happen next.