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Prix 1987 - 2007

Ars Electronica Linz & ORF Oberösterreich

Nana Susanne Thurner

I chose a very serious topic for my Flash animation. For one thing, this was because I had only made films with funny stick figures until then. And, for the other, I think war is an important topic. For the first time in a video, I drew real pictures. It is a lot of work to make figures move and was difficult since I don’t have an electronic drawing board that just plugs into the computer. Sadly, my Flash animation is only one minute and a few seconds long, which is, I believe, actually too little. But in Flash, one minute means about 700 pictures—and that’s quite a lot.

A good friend of my sister was kind enough to let me use his music (his stage name is: Der Fette König). The track is called care—I picked it out also because of its text. When I first started I had had the idea of just using sounds, for example, of a bomb falling, made by hitting two pot lids together. Then I had the idea of using someone’s heartbeat, which would beat faster when the bomb hit and the earth shook. But as it turned out, it got on my nerves quite a bit to hear a heart beating for the entire length of the film. So if I was going to use music, it had to be a song, and for me care seemed to fit nicely.