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Prix 1987 - 2007

Ars Electronica Linz & ORF Oberösterreich

Thomas Hainscho

www.zu-fall.net.ms is a collection of scripts whose main component is random number sequences. In PHP and JavaScript (with which I programmed the scripts) there is a predefined function that generates numbers at random.

First I attempted a visualization of these numbers, which means I wanted to depict the numbers which were being generated optically. Attempts have been made in the past to do what I wanted to do digitally (e.g., in the 17th century Sébastien Truchet tried to graphically depict the regularity of number sequences).

There is, for example, a script in which the digits from zero to nine are initially displayed on the monitor in the smallest possible type size and then generated over and over again. When, for instance, a four comes up, the four on the screen is enlarged a little—and this happens each time until a certain size is reached (in the script this size is the same for all numbers: max. 100 pixels high). Then the numbers are reduced back down again. One can observe how the digits from one to nine reach the size limit more or less successively. Only the zero remains small for noticeably longer.

The random function Math.random() in Java-Script produces a large number of—relatively—evenly distributed digits, aside from the zero which comes up less often than the others. Since every character or letter can also be called up by a number, letters are generated on the page at random, filling it up little by little until they form a text block.