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Prix 1987 - 2007

Ars Electronica Linz & ORF Oberösterreich

Freqtric Project
Tetsuaki Baba

Freqtric Project is a skin-contact interface system that allows us not only to recover face-to-face communication, but also makes body-to-body communication possible, so that a self-image based on the sense of being a separate body can be significantly altered through an openness to and even a sense of becoming part of another body.

There are two types of Freqtric Project: “Freqtric Drums” and “Freqtric Game”.

Freqtric Drums is a device that turns audiences surrounding a performer into drums, so that the performer, as a drummer, can communicate with audience members as if they were a set of drums. There are two types: “Freqtric Drums Live” (FDL) and “Freqtric Drums Home” (FDH).

Our “Freqtric Game Controller Device” looks like a regular game controller, but it contains our original sensor to detect skin contact. The sensors of the controller device show that we can easily apply the “Freqtric Game System” to existing games. Handling the controllers, two players can input skin contact by touching each other. There is a stainless-steel plate on the back of each controller. Players are connected to the sensor of the controller device to handle their controller.

We have developed a shoot-em-up game called “Freqtric Shooting”, a rhythm-action game called “Freqtric Dance” and a battle game called “Freqtric Robot Battle” to show examples of video games using the FG controller.