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Prix 1987 - 2007

Ars Electronica Linz & ORF Oberösterreich

Women on Web

Women on Web is a loose network of independent organizations and individuals. It consists of women who have had or need abortions, and individuals and organizations that support the right to access to safe abortion worldwide.

On the “I had an abortion” part of the website, people can upload their portraits, share their stories and donate money to help women in need of an abortion. There is also a discussion forum where women and organizations can share the latest news about abortion issues and stories. On the “I need help” part of the site, women in need of abortions can find assistance.

Women on Web has two different goals. The goal of the Women on Web online abortion service is to help women and girls around the world to obtain a safe medical abortion and reduce the mortality and morbidity resulting from unsafe abortions (according to the WHO, every year 20 million women are forced to resort to unsafe abortions as a result of which one in 300 women dies unnecessarily and millions suffer long-term complications). This part of the service thus aims to provide information to benefit women’s reproductive health. The goal of the “I had an abortion” part of the website is to break the taboo and stigma surrounding abortion by creating an internet monument of portraits and stories while simultaneously creating public awareness and mentally and financially supporting women who are facing the decision to have an abortion.

The project is carried out by a core team of 15 international multilingual female volunteers, doctors and more than 20 non-profit partner organizations. Access to the project is open to organizations and individuals supporting its goals, except for private medical and personal information. The helpdesk is (wo)manned seven days a week.