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Prix 1987 - 2007

Ars Electronica Linz & ORF Oberösterreich

incline – Neigung nach Existenz
Manuel Eder

What would you do if you had 30 minutes in a strange world? Envy the people there for how they live? Of course not! You’d have much too little time for that. On the contrary, you’d spend your time marveling at this world.

Equipped with basic human knowledge, Kaya was sent on a short but dreary trip. She was given just one guiding principle: to make her short life as nice as possible! She wandered through Salzburg and marveled at the many sights. There was no time for feelings like happiness or sadness. incline – Neigung nach Existenz (“incline – a propensity for life”) describes Kaya’s propensity for life and her specific feelings.

For me, the visualization of this project was a new challenge in compositing – or to put it differently, it was all about placement. The backdrops were filmed in the real world and the 3D figure inserted, animated and rendered afterwards. I implemented everything using LightWave 3D, which I have been working with for over two years. I kept track of the details during the shoots, like the height of the camera and my lens settings, so I could use them later for my “digital camera”. This enabled clean compositing and proper shading.

I concentrated mainly on the animation: the film was supposed to seem real and focus on Kaya’s feelings. In animating the figure, I worked with IK a lot. By using this technology, I could control the figure like a marionette. The face was animated using Object Morphing. I created the music with Reason 3.