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Prix 1987 - 2007

Ars Electronica Linz & ORF Oberösterreich

Sounds of Water
Andreas Kraxberger, Julia Krumbiegel , Nina Leopold , Richard Mayr , Stefan Moser , Borjana Oroz , Daniel Pirngruber , Katharina Pupeter , Christoph Rainer , Thomas Raml , Nadine Roiß , Hannah Schnabellehner , Erik Setik , Lukas Standfest , Christopher Tschusch

The Sounds of Water project was realized by the Georg von Peuerbach high school in cooperation with the Institute of Art and Design (Department of Art Education) at the Kunstuniversität Linz and the Ars Electronica Center. At the same time as other project groups worldwide, fifteen students from class 1C tested and applied the “UNESCO Young Digital Creators Educator's Kit”. This kit is a guide to project-based learning; its objective is to promote the use of digital tools, such as online platforms, software and hardware, for the purpose of reflecting and creatively exploring important global issues (in our case: water).

The students focused on working with the sounds and noises of water, which they compiled, recorded and digitally modified themselves, with the priority being on creative and independent work.

WikiMap Linz serves as the project’s online documentation, presentation and communication platform. In complete accordance with “think globally – act locally”, the students relate their works, results and observations on the important global issue of water to specific locations in Linz, in other words, to their own environment. Since all the groups participating worldwide post their investigations online, the students can also compare their works to those of others, detect differences and similarities, and so learn to understand things in larger contexts.