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Prix 1987 - 2007

Ars Electronica Linz & ORF Oberösterreich


FFFFOUND! is an image bookmarking service allowing people to bookmark images on the web. It not only allows the users to post and share their favorite images found on the web, but also dynamically recommends each user's tastes and interests for an inspirational image-bookmarking experience: each user on FFFFOUND! has an image bookmark stream, which is followed by other people via RSS or by visiting the profile page.

An active design and art community emerged over time, in which members explore image only content on the web. What is interesting about the service is that the repetition of certain styles in graphic design and photography reaches the surface very quickly. This fast visual-trend-catching utility makes FFFFOUND! a useful tool for inspiration and raises the bar for creativity in visual communication design.

The website is invitation-based (one invitation per member).

The core team of FFFFOUND! consists of two co-workers: Yosuke Abe (JP, direction, planning, design) and Keita Kitamura (JP, production, design). There are currently more than 3000 members in FFFFOUND!