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Prix 1987 - 2007

Ars Electronica Linz & ORF Oberösterreich

Andreas Gerstmayr

littleRunner is a 2D jump’n’run (or platform) game that includes an editor. With the keyboard, you can move the character (Penguin Tux, Linux Mascot) through the levels.

I wanted to develop a bigger project, one that uses the concept of object-oriented programming. And since I wanted to create a game that was bigger than Connect Four, Tic-Tac-Toe, Battleship, etc., I decided to program a jump’n’run game. I used to like to play Super Mario. And since I really like the principle behind the game, I used parts of it.

The game is programmed in C#. For me, the concept of OOP (object-oriented programming) is also of great importance. That’s why the game has 40 classes, many of which have been declared “abstract” (i.e., you can’t make an object out of them and the class can only be “inherited”). littleRunner currently includes about 4600 lines (without the documentation). As IDE (integrated development environment), I used Microsoft Visual C# 2008 Express Edition.