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Prix 1987 - 2007

ORF Oberösterreich

Net Rezonator
Koji Ito

NetRezonator can be defined as a communication system or a chat application for exchanging sounds and visuals. Anybody who has a computer terminal can connect to this program at the same time. You can enjoy the performance of someone else playing and are free to join the session. When you play, try to make a beautiful harmony together. We'll find ourselves strongly connected by communication beyond words and synchronized with each other. Computer Science in the 1990s has brought us various communication tools, E-mail, WWW, BBSs, chat room, the video conference system, etc.: as we see such technologies, we can no longer imagine our modern life without them - and these technologies were the keys to the creation of many communities where people find each other and sense each other as part of a large, invisible society.

The first concept of NetRezonator is the "pursuit of non-verbal communication through the Internet." It addresses the significance of non-verbal communication through our conscious/unconscious movement or expression through multimedia (sounds and images.) But we must also keep in mind that computer displays will be used as our communication medium in the near future. Most of our tasks in business are accomplished through some kind of a collaboration. This kind of harmony between people results in great energy: the results of a collaboration are achieved through organic connections among the members. The second concept of NetRezonator is to "experience the energy created by the harmony." If we co-star in and create music and images with strangerswe might perceive the great effect of such harmonious, creative work in ourselves or even in our society. An improvisation found in jazz is a precious space where we can experience "synchronicity," as Young termed it. Musicians communicate with sounds as they create them, and the result is a great session as an ensemble.The third concept can be defined as such: NetRezonator provides space for improvisation. Ultimately, the aim is to liberate the "mass unconsciousness of human beings"or"the directive recognition", which is restricted by our language and our social system most of the time. Although we may not achieve this goal, we're sure to find something close to it inside NetRezonator.