Computer Animation
This category is open to animation work from all fields - science and research as well as art, education and entertainment. Entries may consist of computer generated films produced through individual computer programming and/or the creative use of available computer programs. It is permissible for traditionally produced film/video material to be digitally integrated or combined with the computer animation.
Computer Graphics
Category from Prix Ars Electronica 1987 to 1994. This category was open to computer images from different areas - art, culture, science and research. You could enter computer generated still images created by programming computers individually and / or by making creative use of available computer programms.
Computer Music
This category is open to animation work from all fields - science and research as well as art, education and entertainment.
Entries may consist of computer generated films produced through individual computer programming and/or the creative use of available computer programs. It is permissible for traditionally produced film/video material to be digitally integrated or combined with the computer animation.
Interactive Art
This category of Prix Ars Electronica is open to all types of current interactive works in any form: installations, performance, audience participation, virtual reality, multimedia, telecommunication, etc.
Criteria for judging the works include the form of interaction, interface design, new applications, technical innovations, originality and the significant role of the computer for the interaction.