Hotel Reservation Request
Use our new online reservation system to book accommodations at the hotel of your choice via a corresponding link.

Spitz Hotel****
Sorry, booked out!
Single € 153,00
Double € 182,00
Centrally located
Rooms just available on request

Austria Classic Hotel Drei Mohren****
Sorry, booked out!
Single € 109,00
Double € 143,00
Centrally located

Sorry, booked out!
Single € 73,00
Double € 105,00
It takes 10 minutes to get
downtown by tram

Hotel Kolping***
Sorry, booked out!
Single € 67,00
Double € 88,00
Centrally located

Hotel Goldener Adler***
Sorry, booked out!
Single € 65,00
Double € 90,00
Centrally located

Hotel „Zur Lokomotive“***
Sorry, booked out!
Single € 59,00
Centrally located

LFI Hotel
Sorry, booked out!
Single € 46,00
Double € 82,00
10 minutes’ walk into the city center
Latest check-in 9 pm!

Hotel Sommerhaus***
Sorry, booked out!
Single € 39,00
Double € 78,00
Outlying location,
tramway connection

Youthotel Linz
Sorry, booked out!
Single € 33,90
Double € 25,90 (per Person)
3-Bed € 20,90 (per Person)
You can only make reservations for an entire room.
Please add the names of travel companions at comments & requests.
It takes 10 minutes to get downtown by tram. Free parking is available.

Youth Hostel Linz
Sorry, booked out!
Single € 29,50
Double € 22,00 (per Person)
3-Bed € 19,50 (per Person)
One reservation per person necessary!
Single sex dormitories
Outlying location
The reservation deadline is August 15, 2008. All prices are per night with breakfast; taxes are included. We request that you settle up your bill in person at the hotel when you check out.
Please keep in mind that we have only a limited block of rooms available, and we can accept reservations only as long as the supply lasts.
You’ll receive your reservation confirmation, which also describes you hotel’s cancellation policy, by August 15, 2008.
To obtain information about additional hotels, please call Tourist Information Linz at +43.732.7070.1777.