
Ars Electronica Center
Festival Ars Electronica
Prix Ars Electronica
Ars Electronica Futurelab

Christopher Ruckerbauer
T: +43.732.7272.38
F: +43.732.7272.638

Robert Bauernhansl
T: +43.732.7272.32
F: +43.732.7272.632

11 Young People – 7 Nations – 4 Languages
International guests — for Infotrainer Patrick, it’s just part of the job. But when the tour group consists of 11 young immigrants from seven countries, and questions are being posed in four languages, a bit of improvisational talent certainly is called for. The Ars Electronica Center invited some very special guests to view the Museum of the Future.

The visitors, natives of Mongolia, Chechnya, Nigeria, China, Moldavia, Iraq and Turkey who are learning to speak German at the Verein Begegnung Arcobaleno, had no trouble expressing their delight and enthusiasm during a tour of the installations in the Ars Electronica Center. The Arcobaleno organization’s mission is to act as a center for international encounter where Austrians and foreigners can establish closer contact with one another. Through educational and recreational offerings and by providing information and counseling, the facility (located at Hasnerstraße 9 in Linz) is actively involved in the effort to counteract prejudices.

Meet-and-greet affairs, outings, events, parties and group projects are designed to create opportunities for individuals to get acquainted, to exchange information and to share experiences. At all these undertakings, the accent is always on having fun and enjoying each other’s company as a way to help overcome barriers. Anyone interested in finding out more about this organization’s work is cordially invited to stop by the 1st International Spring Bazaar on April 30, 2005 from 10 AM to 5 PM on Wienerstraße in Linz.

For inquries, please contact:

Mag. Wolfgang Bednarzek
Pressesprecher Ars Electronica

AEC Ars Electronica Center Linz
Museumsgesellschaft mbH
Hauptstraße 2, A - 4040 Linz, Austria

Tel ++43.732.7272-38
Fax ++43.732.7272-638


© Ars Electronica Linz GmbH, info@aec.at