
Ars Electronica Center
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Prix Ars Electronica
Ars Electronica Futurelab

Christopher Ruckerbauer
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Robert Bauernhansl
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Invitation to “Visions on Wednesday” on Wednesday, April 5, 2006
Innovative Future

Nurturing ideas, fostering innovation, taking action successfully

No matter which cultural sphere or sector of the economy you’re involved in: the global competition you face is getting tougher. But, in spite of what seems to be a widespread view, this is no reason for resignation. Europe is still the worldwide leader in many fields. The secret? Ideas, new approaches, creativity.

Innovation is thus becoming the key to our future. But this is a rare and precious asset indeed—one that can’t be acquired by brute force, isn’t for sale, and whose emergence presupposes comprehensive social framework conditions.

A fascinating evening program being held as part of the “Visions on Wednesday” series will confront these interrelationships. Selected examples from the files of the “Upper Austria 2010” initiative and approaches suggested by research into successful innovation will offer stimulating ideas and prospects for an “Innovative Future” in our society, in our culture and in your business!


Mag. Gerlinde Pöchhacker
Head of the Department of Innovation and Technology, Upper Austria Technology and Marketing Corp.
Strategic Approaches to and Framework Conditions for Promoting Innovation

Dr. Michael Ornetzeder
Head of the Department of Technology and Knowledge, Center for Social Innovation, Vienna (www.zsi.at)
Innovation versus Tradition


Mag. Nicoletta Blacher
Director of the Ars Electronica Center – Museum of the Future

About “Visions of Wednesday”
“Visions of Wednesday” is a series of get-togethers organized by the Ars Electronica Center Linz.
Participants will present and discuss concepts and methods to further regional creativity as a precondition for innovation. Practitioners, opinion leaders and theoreticians from a wide variety of backgrounds and with regional and/or international experience will run down their current projects and elaborate on future prospects.

With queries, please contact:
Mag. Wolfgang A. Bednarzek, MAS; cell phone: +43.664-81 26 156; wolfgang.bednarzek@aec.at

© Ars Electronica Linz GmbH, info@aec.at