
Ars Electronica Center
Festival Ars Electronica
Prix Ars Electronica
Ars Electronica Futurelab

Christopher Ruckerbauer
T: +43.732.7272.38
F: +43.732.7272.638

Robert Bauernhansl
T: +43.732.7272.32
F: +43.732.7272.632
press release pdf

Linux Weeks at Ars Electronica Center
Linux Weeks are already being held for the fifth time this year. The stopover in Linz is set for June 15-18, 2006.

As in the past, visitors can look forward to hearing interesting talks at the Ars Electronica Center and getting hands-on experience with open-source software at the Stadtwerkstatt. June 15th will be Education Day, when everything will revolve around showcasing free software and open-source applications having to do with educational and training activities involving young people. The program of events lined up for this day is specially tailored to users who have little experience with Linux or open source.

More information about Linux Weeks is available at www.linuxwochen.at

© Ars Electronica Linz GmbH, info@aec.at