Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Digital Culture and Media Science A decision reached in December 2004 by the Ludwig Boltzmann Society will add another leading-edge facility to the scientific and cultural landscape in Linz, Austria’s center of media, communications and high-tech industry and the city recently designated European Capital of Culture for 2009. The new Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Digital Culture and Media Science will be doing innovative research and developing strategies to document, describe and preserve works of digital and media art.
The Institute’s mission is to archive and perform scholarly work on digital artworks. Consolidating scientific, artistic, technological and public mediation activities under the aegis of a single facility is designed to enhance the process of encountering our digital environment. Linz’s Art University, Ars Electronica Center and Lentos Museum of Modern Art—leading institutions in their respective fields—anchor a partner consortium that will bring together international associates including the Langlois Foundation in Canada and the Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences (IAMAS) in Japan.
As an expanded and upgraded version of the Ars Electronica Archive that has been documenting outstanding works of electronic art and design since 1979, the LBI for Digital Culture and Media Science seeks to tightly integrate scholarly research and its application-oriented use. The upshot of this approach is a tripartite agenda: 1) scholarly description of digital artworks within the context of art history, 2) archiving and conserving these works, and facilitating accessibility to them, and 3) developing computer-based tools to process and utilize the material in a wide range of cultural settings and scholarly pursuits.
For further inquiries, please contact:
Kunstuniversität Linz// PR&Kommunikation//Siglinde Lang sieglinde.lang@ufg.ac.at ++43/732/7898-286
Mag. Wolfgang A. Bednarzek MAS Pressesprecher / Press Officer
Tel.: +43.732.7272-38 Mob.: +43.664.81 26 156 Fax.: +43.732.7272-638 wolfgang.bednarzek@aec.at
Ars Electronica Center Hauptstraße 2-4, 4040 Linz, Austria