BRIDGING THE DIGITAL DIVIDE A school project created for the World Summit on the Information Society 2005 Tunis (WSIS) http://wsis.schule.at
Wednesday, March 2, 2005, 3-5 PM Opening Remarks: Helmut Stemmer Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Culture
Project Presentation: Sirikit Amann KulturKontakt Austria The Austrian Government’s Program and the WSIS: Matthias Traimer Austrian Federal Chancellery / Media Affairs; Austrian Coordinator, WSIS 2005 Statement: “Fighting the Digital Divide – Challenges in the Information Society”: Anton Knierzinger Education Highway
Keynote Address: “Digital Gap” Gerfried Stocker Ars Electronica Center Young people from Linz, Graz and Vienna will then present projects that will serve as prototypes launching an ongoing encounter with these issues in schools throughout Austria.
KULTURKONTAKT AUSTRIA, Mag. Ursula Hilmar 1010 Wien/Vienna, Universitätsstraße 5 Tel.: +43 1 523 87 65-14 Fax.: +43 1 523 87 65-20 presse@kulturkontakt.or.at www.kulturkontakt.or.at
Wolfgang A. Bednarzek Ars Electronica Center, Hauptstraße 2-4 4040 Linz, Austria
wolfgang.bednarzek@aec.at Office: 0043.732.7272.38 Mob.: 0043.664.81 26 156