ORF Easter Special showcases Ars Electronica “Osterzeit mit Harry Prünster” will take a scenic excursion across Austria at Easter time.
The Austrian Broadcasting Company’s holiday special will feature a segment about the Ars Electronica Center in which charismatic Infotrainer Sabine Siegel gives star Harry Prünster a tour of “Gulliver's World,” the AEC’s interactive educational installation. The show will air on March 20 at 4:35 PM on ORF 2, and will be repeated on March 26 on ORF 2.
For further inquries please contact:
Wolfgang A. Bednarzek Ars Electronica Center, Hauptstraße 2-4 4040 Linz, Austria
wolfgang.bednarzek@aec.at Office: 0043.732.7272.38 Mobile: 0043.664.81 26 156