We value your opinion!

The Ars Electronica Guest Book has been set up as a special service for our visitors and users. We would really appreciate receiving your suggestions, requests and comments. We're always happy to hear words of praise, but we can handle constructive criticism and advice for improvement too.
  Name:  E-Mail:       



submitting to Ars Electronics & email        
    I am a computer artist, and have been aware of this organization nearly since it's inception. However, I have always had difficulty in finding information on submission of artwork, and am wondering if you have an easily available email list for those of us who might be interested ion submitting work.

As an interface designer, I have found your site always visually appealing. However, your site seems to offer information without taking into account this simple issue. Thank you.



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© Ars Electronica Linz GmbH, info@aec.at