See this Sound – Symposium im Lentos Kunstmuseum
We 2.9. – Thu 3.9. 2009
Lentos Kunstmuseum Linz, Ernst-Koref-Promenade 1, 4020 Linz
Organizer: Ludwig Boltzmann Institute Media.Art.Research
Concept: Dieter Daniels & Sandra Naumann
Overall Director of the Conference: Dieter Daniels and Sandra Naumann
An event in conjunction with SEE THIS SOUND
A cooperation between the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute Media.Art.Research. and the Lentos Art Museum Linz with Linz 2009 European Capital of Culture
See this Sound – Sound-Image Relations in Art, Media and Perception
The project SEE THIS SOUND explores the past and present of the link between image and sound in art, media and perception. The starting point is the fact that our world of experience today is marked by an omnipresence of audiovisual products and structures, in which the cultural production of image and sound is closely intertwined artistically, and in terms of media technology and market strategy. SEE THIS SOUND reacts to this by presenting and discussing different realizations of contemporary art and art studies. The current fields of reference range here from pop culture to the theory of perception and media technology.