

Eric Gunther, Justin Manor, John Rothenberg (US) / Sosolimited

Honorary Mention Hybrid Art

“’ReConstitution’ was a live audiovisual remix of the 2008 United States Presidential debates. There were three performances in three cities, each coinciding with the live broadcast of the debates.

We designed software that allowed us to sample and analyze the video, audio and closed captioned text of the television signal. Through a series of visual and sonic transformations we reconstituted the material, revealed linguistic patterns, exposed content and structures, and fundamentally altered the way in which the debates were watched.

The transformed broadcast was projected onto a movie screen for a seated audience. Over 1500 people attended our three performances in Boston, New York and Washington DC.

The legibility of the underlying debates were maintained throughout the performance—we didn’t want the audience to miss a word of it.

Eric Gunther, Justin Manor, John Rothenberg

One Response to “Reconstitution”

  1. […] the Cyberarts Exhibition; Reconstitution from SosoLimited is one of the highlights for me. It is one of the nicest projects done based on […]