Movement & Impact

Foto: ARCHIPICTURE Mag. Dietmar Tollerian
Up to six million vehicles a year pass through the Gotthard Road Tunnel, Switzerland’s most important north-south traffic artery. “Movement & Impact” gives you a completely new feeling for the Gotthard Tunnel and the cars and trucks incessantly pouring through it: ground-mounted sensors translate traffic density as well as each vehicle’s size, weight and direction of travel into vibrations of varying intensity, which are then transmitted to the installation’s reclining platform.
So, make yourself comfortable in the wellness area and experience how loud, stinky highway traffic is converted into gently massaging vibrations that transport you far, far away from the unremitting racket of everyday life.
Sabine Haerri and Yvonne Weber (CH); in collaboration with the Ars Electronica Futurelab and commissioned by Ars Electronica Linz.
Extra Europa Schweiz – Kooperation von Linz 2009 und der Schweizer Kulturstiftung Pro Helvetia