02.09.2011 Fr/Fr - 03.09.2011 Sa/Sat 10:00-18:00, Landgang Radio FRO


The internet has become young people’s universal medium, and the cell phone they use on a daily basis is something they now take completely for granted. Experienced media trainers will endow this brave new world of media with emancipatory and participative approaches. In doing so, they’ll be helping young people learn how media work and understand background factors. Participants will produce their own podcasts, blogs and articles, and learn to use media critically, sensibly and competently.

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31.08.2011 Mi/Wed - 06.09.2011 Di/Tue 10:00-19:00, LANDGANG: Studio Schirmmacher

Open House dorf tv

Open House im dorf tv-Studio im Schirmmacher am Hauptplatz: Create your TV-show with your ideas! dorf tv sendet zum Festival u19 CREATE YOUR WORLD täglich live von FestivalkooperationspartnerInnen gestaltete Sendungen und überträgt die Symposien der Ars Electronica am 2., 3. und 4. September.

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