Ether Inductor

Humans are essentially social beings. Like many other creatures, we tend to feel better when we’re around other people, even if only to envy them for the delicious fitness breakfast they happen to be enjoying. Nevertheless, interaction with others isn’t always easy for us. After all, men and women are said to not even speak the same language, and when we’re confronted with The Others—exotic strangers in our midst—many of us are afraid or at least get uptight to some extent.

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Iceland, Constitution 2.0

There are countries and governments who understand the importance of the internet, and one of them is Iceland. In this article who’ll find out about a brilliant idea that is executed in a brilliant way. Iceland needs a new constitution, and the way it is written is amazing!

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Animation Festival – Introduction

This year’s Animation Festival program will once again include screenings of selected short films honored by the Prix in recent years. For a foretaste of the great stuff we have lined up, check out these shorts, all singled out for recognition by the 2011 Prix Ars Electronica.

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Kouji Ohno, Tetsuya Yamamoto, Nobu Miake and Toshikazu Toyama will honor Ars Electronica with a demonstration of their mirage00.

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The Danube. A major traderoute for many, for Linz too, that’s why the biggest harbour in Austria was built hier, and the city is layed out nicely on both sides of the stream. Today there are nice bikelanes along the Danube, and you can have a long walk, as well. The AEC is right at the riverbank, as is the Brucknerhaus, the Lentos and the Donaupark. In Linz, you can cross the Danube over 4 bridges.

The Ars Electronica and the analogue

The Ars Electronica is all about art and technology, the very latest developments are just about the right ones, when something new comes up, it’s here. And the whole festival is planned using good, old analague technique.



CERN makes another big step


Credit: CERN; Untrapped antihydrogen atoms annihilating on the inner surface of the ALPHA trap. These are measured by the ALPHA annihilation detector.

Last week, scientists took another giant step towards a better understanding of Planet Earth—and of the whole universe for that matter! The staff of the ALPHA experiment succeeded in trapping and observing about 300 antimatter atoms for over 1,000 seconds. The atomic star of this show is the antimatter counterpart of hydrogen, the most thoroughly researched element on the periodic table.

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First workshops at CREATE YOUR WORLD online

On the website of CREATEYOURWORLD you’ll find the first workshops online. Hurry if you want to be part of them!