ORIGIN https://ars.electronica.art/origin/en ORIGIN - ARS ELECTRONICA 2011 Mon, 27 Jun 2022 14:49:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.6 Ars Electronica 2011 https://ars.electronica.art/origin/en/2011/11/07/ars-electronica-2011/ Mon, 07 Nov 2011 12:29:21 +0000 https://ars.electronica.art/origin/?p=3060 You can find videos of Ars Electronica 2012 on our YouTube account youtube.com/arselectronica

Hiroshi Ishiguro’s Ars Electronica Festival 2011 https://ars.electronica.art/origin/en/2011/09/13/hiroshi-ishiguros-ars-electronica-festival-2011/ Tue, 13 Sep 2011 13:26:20 +0000 https://ars.electronica.art/origin/?p=3042
My favorite place in Linz.

This is the church where we have played the android theater.

The holy place.

The android has completely fitted in the holy atmosphere. The theater made a strong impression on the visitors. It was beautiful integration of state-of-the-art technology and professional theater.

The android was so beautiful in the church.

What is human? What is android? The android was facing to the cross over the wall as if asking so.

The mid night concert. It was beautiful harmony between the orchestra and the visualization.

ORIGIN – A resumee https://ars.electronica.art/origin/en/2011/09/12/3033/ Mon, 12 Sep 2011 07:50:49 +0000 https://ars.electronica.art/origin/?p=3033

83,976 festivalgoers experienced Ars Electronica 2011 live in Linz. This attendance figure was topped only by last year’s festival, which is actually a bit of an unfair comparison since the 2010 production had 11 days to attract so many people.

The Ars Electronica Quarter was the setting for CREATE YOUR WORLD, a scene of hustle & bustle, ideas circulating non-stop. Now, this site is occupied by the IMPORT/EXPORT container. Other than that, the lawn is undoubtedly happy to have a little more breathing room again.

Symposia were opportunities for discussion interspersed by meet & greet. If you didn’t have a chance to stop by or if you showed up and now want to relive a memorable experience, check out the videos .

The prevailing mood was fantastic! There are no doubt those who are already looking forward to next year, though there’s no need to rush things—we have plenty to mull over in preparation for what’s to come.

In the meantime, the first phase of what is initially a three-year collaboration between CERN and Ars Electronica will definitely deliver some interesting food for thought. A blog will let you follow events online. For info, go to ars.electronica.art/collide.

Here in the days and weeks to come, we’ll be featuring material about the 2011 Festival theme from a wide variety of perspectives. Anyone who’d like to treat the rest of us to his/her personal highlights and favorite photos/videos can simply post them in the commentary section, or on Facebook, Twitter and, pretty soon, Google + — as soon as Google satisfies itself as to the genuineness of our identity.

Thanks a lot!

Videos of all the symposiums are online! https://ars.electronica.art/origin/en/2011/09/07/videos-von-allen-symposium-online/ Wed, 07 Sep 2011 16:00:22 +0000 https://ars.electronica.art/origin/?p=3027 Video-Gallery

Thanks to all who have helped! https://ars.electronica.art/origin/en/2011/09/06/danke-an-alle-die-mitgeholfen-haben/ Tue, 06 Sep 2011 17:04:52 +0000 https://ars.electronica.art/origin/?p=2928 Thanks to everyone who has made this festival a great one!

Ars Electronica Linz GmbH

Renata Aigner, Viktoria Aistleitner, Sebastian Badics, Florian Bauböck, Andreas Bauer, Johannes Bauer-Marschallinger, Robert Bauernhansl, Reinhard Bengesser, Florian Berger, Lukas Bischof, Bernhard Böhm, Daniela Böhm, Tamara Böhm, Sarah Breinbauer, Jürgen Breitenbaumer, Chris Bruckmayr, Cecile Bucher, Yen Ping Chiu, Stephanie Danner, Bettina Danninger, Florian Deutsch, Wolfgang Deutsch, Anna Demmelbauer, Thomas Diesenreiter, Johannes Egler, Stefan Eibelwimmer, Maria Eschlböck, Karl Federspiel, Flora Fellner, Melinda File, Ingrid Fischer-Schreiber, Ulrike Foschum, Evelyn Fränzl, Michaela Frech, Peter Freudling, Andrea Fröhlich, Jochen Fuchs, Stefan Fuchs, Bettina Gahleitner, My Trinh Gardiner, Sandra Gassner, Matthew Gardiner, Mitra Gazvini-Zateh, Christian Gerber, Elisabeth Gerhard-Mayrhofer, Fabian Geyerhofer, Tamara Geyerhofer, Raphael Gierlinger, Gregor Göttfert, Gerhard Grafinger, Michael Grausgruber, Wodo Gratt, Isabella Grünauer, Nicole Grüneis, Ulrike Gschwandtner, Harald Haas, Gerid Maria Hager, Kathrin Haider, Philipp Alexander Hann, Jürgen Haller, Roland Haring, Birgit Hartinger, Andrea Hartl, Manuel Hartmann, Gerlinde Hauder, Yvonne Hauser, Martina Hechenberger, Sarah Hellwagner, Stefan Hehr, Thomas Hillinger, Denise Hinger, Barbara Hinterleitner, Gerald Hochhauser, Kristina Hödl, Horst Hörtner, Christoph Hofbauer, Eva-Maria Hofer, Sonja Hofmair, Gerold Hofstadler, Sri Rahayu Hofstadler, Peter Holzkorn, Martin Honzik, Martina Huber, Sandra Hutterer, Erika Jungreithmayr, Elisabeth Innerwinkler, Andreas Jalsovec, Markus Jandl, Michael Kaczorowski, Elisabeth Kapeller, Martina Karrer, Petros Kataras, Elisabeth Kattner, David-Mathias Kemethofer, Heinrich Klambauer, Viktoria Klepp, Martin Kneidinger, Stephan Kobler, Wolfgang König, Thomas Kollmann, Mathias Kollros, Christian Korherr, Thomas Koscher, Kristýna Krabatschová, Christoph Kremer, Karl Martin Kröpfl, Fadil Kujundžić, Anna Lucia Kuthan, Thomas Langthaler, Andreas Leeb, Sabine Leidlmair, Juliane Leitner, Dominic Lengauer, Romana Leopoldseder, Michael Lettner, Veronika Christina Liebl, Christoph Liebmann, Christopher Lindinger, Anna Katharina Link, Benjamin Mayr, Michael Mayr, Elvis Mehmedovic, Karin Meisel, Kathrin Agnes Meyer, Kathrin Meyer, Kristefan Minski, Stefan Mittlböck-Jungwirth-Fohringer, Clemens Mock, Harald Moser, Franziska Mucha, Marc Mühlberger, Otto Naderer, Manuela Naveau, Nicolas Naveau, Heinrich Niederhuber, Ali Nikrang, Peter Nitzschmann, Katharina Nussbaumer-Greiderer, Michaela Obermayer, Emiko Ogawa, Hideaki Ogawa, Veronika Pauser, Elvis Pavic, Ernst Perfahl, Bianca Petscher, Marius Petermandl, Michaela Pichler, Andreas Pramböck, Gerald Priewasser, Gabriele Purdue, Ivan Simeonov Petkov, Svetlana Petrovic, Maria Pfeifer, Katharina Pilar, Andreas Plakolm, Roland Ploner, Stephan Pointner, Georg Pühringer, Remo Rauscher, Erwin Reitböck, Roland Reiter, Judith Rießner, Karl Hans Rois, Blanka Romanova, Andreas Roth,Christopher Ruckerbauer, Heinz Sambs, Petra Saubolle-Hofmann, Alina Sauter, Bärbel Schäfer, Birgitt Schäffer, Johann Schauer, Karl Julian Schmidinger, Barbara Schmidt, Julian Schmiederer, Jutta Schmiederer, Theresa Schubert-Minski, Stefan Schwarzmair, Florian Sedmak, Maria Seidl, Gerald Sixt, Lukas Steindl, Corvin Stelzer, Margarethe Stöttner-Breuer,David Stolarsky Lioubov Studener, Felicitas Süß, Istvan Szabo, Bhoomesh Tak, Kerstin Tak-Wakolbinger, Michael Thaler, Michael Trebo, Christine Utz, Linda Vaňková, Thomas Viehböck,Florian Voggeneder,Karin Wabro, Florian Wanninger, Michaela Wimplinger und Susi Windischbauer

OK Offenes Kulturhaus OÖ

Doris Autengruber, Jarno Bachheimer, Julia Brunner, Stefan Blaschek, Max Fabian, Maria Falkinger, Attila Ferenczi, Michaela Fröhlich, Alfred Fürholzer, Martin Haselsteiner, Bernhard Kitzmüller, Andreas Kurz, Daniel Mandel, Genoveva Rückert, Maria Falkinger, Gottfried Gusenbauer, Evi Heininger, Peter Hütmannsberger, Rainer Jessl, Michaela Leitner, Simon Lachner, Katharina Lackner, Wolfgang Nagl, Franz Pfifferling, Angelika Pöschl, Franz Quirchtmayr, Martina Rauschmayer, Aron Rynda, Brigitte Rosenthaler, Genoveva Rückert, Markus Schiller, Ulrike Schimpl, Alexandra Schlager, Gerald Schreilechner, Martin Sturm, Andreas Steindl, André Tschinder, Tom Vens, Hans-Jörg Weidinger, Gerhard Wörnhörer, Simon Wilhelm, Markus Wallner, Michael Weingärtner, Christoph Weidinger, Petra Wimmer


Romana Gillesberger, Ursula Kislinger, Ines Lechner, Artur Matt, Wolfgang Schützeneder


Ewald Elmecker, Gabriele Kaiser, Linde Klement, Dietmar Offenhuber, Katja Schechtner

Ars Electronica Technikteam

Communications is key!

Florian Bauböck, Michael Lettner, Sandra Diendorfer, Klaus Dietersdorfer, Gabriele Edlbauer, Jakob Enegelwirth, Herbert Ettlinger, Katrin Fartacek, Fabian Fischer, Thomas Gell, Gregor Göttfert, Philipp Phips Hann, Reinhard Jöchtl, Katharina Kloibhofer, Martin Kneidinger, Simone Malleck, Gerald Osterkorn, Armin Pauly, Dietmar Peter, Harald Prochaska, Josy Ramsl, Philipp Rauscher, Stefan Rechberger, Matthias Ruhaltinger, Gernot Salzer, Karl Schmidinger, David Starzengruber, Michael Traxler, Rüdiger Weibold

Danke ans BFI für 150 PC-Systeme und mehr, danke ans Screenteam für Bespielen der Infoscreens, danke an Ton + Bild, Schmid und Viteka und STAGE:department für Hilfe und Expertise, und danke an das technische Büro Ing. Friedrich Posch / Ing. Thomas Reiner für das Erstellen des Sicherheitskonzept fürs Tesla Orchestra und der Versuchsanstalt für Hochspannungstechnik Graz GmbH / GF: O.Univ.-Prof.DI.Dr.Dr.h.c. M. Muhr für die Überprüfung des Sicherheitskonzepts und die Abnahme der Sicherheitsbereiche „Teslaspulen“.

Festival InfotrainInnen

Katharina Aichinger, Lara Aigmüller, Christian Artenberg, Katahrina Auginger, Magdalena Barthofer, Nathalie Binder, Vincent Böhm, Lisa-Maria Brandstötte, Jutta Diessl, Katharina Edlmair, Sarah Emler, Josseline Engeler, Melanie Engelmayr, Rosa Falb, Isabella Federspiel, Flora Fellner, Andreas Freudenthale, Marion Friedl, Andrea Froehlich, Jochen Fuchs, Mitra Gazvini, Christian Gerber, Fabian Geyerhofer, Xenia Gilenko-Ulric, Maximilian Grafinger, Bianca Haindl, Birgit Hartinger, Florian Heiml, Gordiana Herman, Denise Hinger, Marget Hirsch, Merlin Hochmeier, Liza Hoefer, Jakob Hollenthone, Klaus Hollinetz, Franziska Huemer, Stephan Kobler, Bertram Kolar, Ursula Kolar, Lukas Kopf, Kristyna Krabatschov, Juliane Leitner, Felix Liebl, Katharina Link, Bettina Mangold, Elvis Mehmedovi, Nina Mengin, Magdalena Moser, Christoph Neundlinge, Nicola Niedermayr, Katja Nitsche, Michaela Obermayer, Elisabeth Paar-Lacherstorfe, Anne Pauly, Marius Petermandl, Katarina Pilar, Andreas Plakolm, Stephan Pointner, Mona Pree, Katharina Putschögl, Jakob Puttinger, Barbara Ratzenböck, Julia Reisinger, Bernadette Reiter, Stefan Reithofer, Judith Riessner, Karl-Hans Rois, Aldijana Sakic, Alina Sauter, Sabine Schaffer, Sarah Schinagl, Barbara Schöfl, Peter Schoisswoh, Klaus Schreiner, Maria Seidl, Manfred Seifriedsberge, Alex Siebenhaar, Marion Sieber, Valentin Siehs, Lukas Steindl, Pia Stöffelbaue, Monika Straka, Felix Sturmberger, Michaela Taxner, Michael Thaler, Thomas Vieböck, Florian Voggeneder, Sabrina Wegerer, Angelika Wörndl, Silvia Zainzinger

Last day, we are sad https://ars.electronica.art/origin/en/2011/09/06/letzter-tag-leider/ Tue, 06 Sep 2011 08:12:40 +0000 https://ars.electronica.art/origin/?p=2959 The nice weather came back to Linz, the sun will light the last day of Ars Electronica 2011. There’s still a lot to discover in the Ars Electronica Quarter, the Kunstuni shows design masterpieces, the Lentos shows Sam Auinger R2. The OK hosts the Animation Festival. Enjoy, get inspired!

How do I make my way through the festival? https://ars.electronica.art/origin/en/2011/09/06/wie-finde-ich-mich-wahrend-des-festivals-zurecht/ https://ars.electronica.art/origin/en/2011/09/06/wie-finde-ich-mich-wahrend-des-festivals-zurecht/#comments Tue, 06 Sep 2011 04:30:21 +0000 https://ars.electronica.art/origin/?p=2765 If you want to know the time and date of an event, you can either click on one of the festivaldays on the right side of this website to see the schedule of one day, or you can click on program at the top of the page to search for exhibitions, conferences or other events.

If you are looking for a person, click onprogram and check out the List of Artists & Speakers.

If you’re an iPhone-User, download the “ORIGIN – how it all begins”-App from the iTunes-Store.

If you are using other smartphones and don’t want to roam, use the PDF-links in the schedule to generate a pdf with the schedule of the day.

Should you have any questions, don’t hesitate to visit us at the info-desks at Brucknerhaus or AEC.

The Ars Electronica wishes you lot’s of fun during the festival!

https://ars.electronica.art/origin/en/2011/09/06/wie-finde-ich-mich-wahrend-des-festivals-zurecht/feed/ 1
Ars Electronica Futurelab can in fact change history https://ars.electronica.art/origin/en/2011/09/05/das-futurelab-schreibt-die-geschichte-um/ https://ars.electronica.art/origin/en/2011/09/05/das-futurelab-schreibt-die-geschichte-um/#comments Mon, 05 Sep 2011 16:50:37 +0000 https://ars.electronica.art/origin/?p=2955

So that Dan Brown does not have to rewrite his books, the Futurelab corrected history and Tim Berner Lee is now going to get the golden plate which certifies Ars Electronica’s appreciation of him inventing the world wide web.

https://ars.electronica.art/origin/en/2011/09/05/das-futurelab-schreibt-die-geschichte-um/feed/ 5
2 Days to go https://ars.electronica.art/origin/en/2011/09/05/2-tage-noch/ Mon, 05 Sep 2011 07:33:51 +0000 https://ars.electronica.art/origin/?p=2937 Sunday was not too quite, visitors filled the festival with life, the conferences were busy, if you want to check out some of the discussions using #square2 on Twitter, the participants of Public Square Squared joined an intensive onlinedebate, and you can also watch the the videos on Youtube.

There’s 2 more days left to check out the exhibitions of Ars Electronica, the Brucknerhaus is host to the the winners of Prix Ars Electronica presenting their work, starting at 10 am, and in the evening, there’s music: Go to the Brucknerhaus for Digital Musics in Concert starting at 8 pm, or to the Maindeck of AEC with GelbGut, Tesla Orchestra, Cherry Sunkist and more, playing from 8.30 pm.

The weather will be fine, as well!

Marktplatz der Talente https://ars.electronica.art/origin/en/2011/09/04/marktplatz-der-talente/ Sun, 04 Sep 2011 16:48:51 +0000 https://ars.electronica.art/origin/?p=2935 httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSOq6W8wbBE

The Nibelungenbrücke is not just a plattform for traffic, but a plattform for knowledge and talent. Thanks to all who have made the Marktplatz der Talente a huge success!
