PROGRAM, 2011-09-01
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01.09.2011 10:00-21:00
DoppelLab software was developed at the MIT Media Lab in Boston (US). It can work dynamically with real-time data delivered by sensors such as those installed in a private home. DoppelLab uses these data to create virtual worlds that enable users not only to get an overview of what’s happing in the house but also to directly intervene in those events.
The conceptual point of departure of this
[the next idea]
01.09.2011 10:00-19:00
[the next idea] is an art & technology grant awarded annually by voestalpine and Ars Electronica. It honors inspiring, new and unusual ideas with great future promise and supports their further development. The judges seek innovations of an artistic and social as well as a technological, scientific nature.
In conjunction with CREATE YOUR WORLD, we will be showcasing some of this year’s be
01.09.2011 10:00-21:00
Ondz is an interactive machine capable of producing human hand clapping artificially. The physical clapping sound is generated by patting on a pair of artificial palms. Visitors can control Ondz at
01.09.2011 10:00-21:00
This walk-through installation by Manabe (JP) and Ishibashi (JP) is an exquisitely beautiful work of light art. On a construction that resembles a rollercoaster, light balls can be orchestrated via control screen to whiz about in all directions and grouped into brilliant moving patterns.
Prix Ars Electronica 2011, Award of Distinction, Interactive Art
DEEP SPACE LIVE Teilchen & Kosmos
01.09.2011 13:00-14:00
The Institute of High Energy Physics (AT) offers a glimpse behind the scenes of scientific research. The Cosmic Radiation workshop gives an up-close look at the state of the universe shortly after The Big Bang. At The Secretof Particles from Outer Space, kids can enter a kind of spark chamber and experience how mysterious particles from the cosmos bombard Earth. The 3-D film Inside LHC accompanies
01.09.2011 14:00-15:00
DoppelLab software was developed at the MIT Media Lab in Boston (US). It can work dynamically with real-time data delivered by sensors such as those installed in a private home. DoppelLab uses these data to create virtual worlds that enable users not only to get an overview of what’s happing in the house but also to directly intervene in those events.
The conceptual point of departure of this
Tesla Orchestra (US)
01.09.2011 20:00-21:00
Fireballs, lightning, music and dance—the Tesla Orchestra (US), founded in 2009 by Ian Charnas (US) at Case Western Reserve University, is a circus in grandiose style.
The world’s two largest Tesla coils are this off-beat orchestra’s instruments. They use 26 kilowatts of energy to produce four-meter-high bolts of lightning, and convert million-volt high tension into audio frequencies. Bu
01.09.2011 10:00-11:00
Jerry T. Bonell (US), Dietmar Hager (AT) and ESO Scientists
Top experts will convey their astronomical knowledge to novices, intermediate students and advanced practitioners, and elaborate on what humankind now knows about the universe. Jerry T. Bonell (US) of the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center will explain the “hot universe†that is brimming with high-energy insights. Scientists of the E
01.09.2011 10:00-21:00
What we can see, perceive and measure is, indeed, quite a bit. Nevertheless, what we have been able to register (thus far) amounts to a mere 4.6% of the universe. The rest is darkness: dark energy and dark matter.
Origin – Investigating the Big Bang is an introduction to the spectacular and fascinating world of science and research—specifically, pure basic research in the field of particle
FM4 Science Busters go ARS Electronica
01.09.2011 12:30-14:00
Die FM4 Science Busters werden 200 Folgen alt und feiern gemeinsam mit FM4 auf der ARS Electronica. Mit einem â€FM4 Unter Palmen Spezial mit den Science Busters live von der ARS Electronica“! Publikum in Linz sowie Radiohörerinnen und -hörer können Fragen zu CERN stellen, die Science Busters antworten - und zwar live im Radio und on stage.
Auf der ARS Electronica 2011 geht es u.a. um
CREATE YOUR WORLD - Spaces are speaking, are you listening?
01.09.2011 14:00-16:00
Sam Auinger holds a keynote for Kinderuni Steyr, which takes place at AEC. He teaches how to listen, but beware, the keynote is not held in one place but moves around. Find details on the CREATE YOUR WORLD - website.
DEEP SPACE LIVE The Third and the Seventh
01.09.2011 15:00-17:00
Alex Roman (ES)
Prix Ars Electronica 2011, Award of Distinction, Computer Animation / Film / VFX
The Third and the Seventh
The Third and The Seventh is an ironic take on perfection and beauty. Full of subtle allusions to the animation milestones of the 20th century’s architectural and cinematic world of imagery, this work conveys us through an aseptic, romantically transfigured concept of
01.09.2011 18:30-23:00
In search of origins, the world’s underpinnings and the meaning of it all, Theater Hausruck (AT) has configured a surrealistic landscape painting as the set of a (pseudo) scientific, (theatrical-) archeological experiment in the forests of Upper Austria’s Hausruck region. Spun off from an operatic procession of pilgrims, Neuland proceeds along a mountain ridge to a research & education camp th
DEEP SPACE LIVE Experimental Game Design
01.09.2011 19:00-21:00
Hagenberg Campus of the University of Applied Sciences
Upper Austria (AT) / Interactive Media and Digital Arts programs
Young designers and up-and-coming creatives in the field of interactive game design will work together with festivalgoers to come up with elements for a game. The aim is blend in analog techniques to produce a game-playing performance for the theatrical stage.
01.09.2011 10:00-19:00
Some exhibitions from CREATE YOUR WORLD are taking place in the Ars Electronica Quarter. You'll find more details soon at this place, or you can check out the official website.
Click for more!
Hier geht es bunt zu! u19 Exhibit zeigt die 15 GewinnerInnen des diesjährigen Prix Ars Electronica in der Kategorie u19 freestyle computing. Kreativität, Nachhaltigkeit und der SpaÃ
NIGHTLINE 01.09.2011 Do/Thu
01.09.2011 20:30-23:30
Ars Electronica Quarter, Maindeck
20:00 – 21:00: Tesla Orchestra (US)
21:00 – 22:00: Femous Orchestra (AT)
22:00 – 23:00: Madame Humtata (AT)
Stadtwerkstatt, Saal
23:00: HGich.T (DE)
Stadtwerkstatt, Strom
23:00: DJ Andaka (AT), Miss Kamala (AT)
Tesla Orchestra (USA)
The American ensemble takes the stage with a high-energy show in which the million-volt high tension of two Tesla coil
01.09.2011 10:00-19:00
Symmetries is—in addition to ORIGIN – Doing Research on the Big Bang,a presentation of the work being done at CERN—the second exhibition having to do with this year’s festival theme. A heterogeneous array of experimental assemblies, images and exhibits invites visitors to confront highly diverse manifestations of the human spirit of inquiry and the joy of discovery.
Astronomical Bodie
Interface Cultures - Unuselessness - The Useful useless
01.09.2011 10:00-19:00
Since 2004, Linz Art University has offered an "Interface Cultures" master’s degree program in which students learn scientific and, above all, artistic ways of working with all possible—and impossible—forms of communication with machines and devices. From the very outset, this program founded by Christa Sommer and Laurent Mignonneau has offered students the opportunity to showcase their work
01.09.2011 10:00-19:00
The film program put together for ORIGIN Cinema includes works using a wide array of styles, formats and narrative techniques. What they have in common are plots that move in the direction of the origins of developments and stories.
Ton Band Maschine - Elektronische Musik in Deutschland, credit: Ton Band Maschine
Into Eternity is an epic thriller about the world’s first attempt to hide n
OPENING Interface Cultures
01.09.2011 16:00-16:30
Since 2004, Linz Art University has offered an "Interface Cultures" master’s degree program in which students learn scientific and, above all, artistic ways of working with all possible—and impossible—forms of communication with machines and devices. From the very outset, this program founded by Christa Sommer and Laurent Mignonneau has offered students the opportunity to showcase their work
Das Mobile Ö1 Atelier
01.09.2011 10:15-19:00
The Mobile Ö1 Atelier will be set up on Linz’s Main Square (Hauptplatz) to mediate the encounter with science and the men and women behind the discoveries. Experts explain why basic research is so important and what sort of creative scope and developmental possibilities result from it. As a special treat for young people attending u19 CREATE YOUR WORLD, the Mobile Ö1 Atelier will host a simulc
01.09.2011 10:00-19:00
The University of Tsukuba, Japan is the star of the 2011 Campus Exhibition. This institution of higher education has long been associated with the festival, and numerous works developed there or created by its alumni have been showcased at Ars Electronica.
Click for more pictures!
This school of art and design infused by the pioneering spirit has produced such illustrious m
01.09.2011 15:00-16:00
The University of Tsukuba, Japan is the star of the 2011 Campus Exhibition. This institution of higher education has long been associated with the festival, and numerous works developed there or created by its alumni have been showcased at Ars Electronica.
This school of art and design infused by the pioneering spirit has produced such illustrious media artists as Toshio Iwai (JP) and Maywa Den
Ralo Mayer - Obviously a major malfunction
01.09.2011 10:00-18:00
During the Ars Electronica Festival, Ralo Meyer is going to present a history from 1986 to 2003, from the crash of the Challenger to the crash of the Columbia, raising questions on how we perceive our world. This installation will be in the Lentos’ 1st Underground Level.
4.56-billion-year-old meteorites, a painting from the collection of the LENTOS, a closed eco system and a checklist tha
Linz R2
01.09.2011 15:00-19:00
Linz R2 is a real-time resonance work, a sound installation in a public space—the long, open courtyard area adjacent to the Lentos Art Museum’s entrance. Auinger and Odland’s work is an acoustic transformation experience: two resonance pipes perform a real-time transformation of the surrounding urban soundscape
01.09.2011 16:30-17:00
Linz R2 is a real-time resonance work, a sound installation in a public space—the long, open courtyard area adjacent to the Lentos Art Museum’s entrance. Auinger and Odland’s work is an acoustic transformation experience: two resonance pipes perform a real-time transformation of the surrounding urban soundscape
Android-Human Theater “Sayonaraâ€(Good-bye)
01.09.2011 16:30-17:00
Hiroshi Ishiguro (JP), one of the crowdpleasers as Featured Artist of last year's Ars Electronica, has been working on of the oldest dreams of humanity for quite a long time, namely the dream of recreating yourself as a machine. By now he has managed to built an android which is next to indistinguishable from himself. With his creation he has come close to his goal of human and android interacting
Android-Human Theater “Sayonaraâ€(Good-bye)
01.09.2011 19:30-20:00
Hiroshi Ishiguro (JP), one of the crowdpleasers as Featured Artist of last year's Ars Electronica, has been working on of the oldest dreams of humanity for quite a long time, namely the dream of recreating yourself as a machine. By now he has managed to built an android which is next to indistinguishable from himself. With his creation he has come close to his goal of human and android interacting
01.09.2011 12:00-22:00
The Prix Ars Electronica is the world’s highest endowed prize for digital arts. It’s awarded in seven categories. The CyberArts 2011 exhibition showcases prizewinning works in Hybrid Art, Interactive Art and Digital Musics & Sound Art. The opening takes place at September 1st 5:30 pm. You can join a guided tour every day at 1:30 pm.
May the Horse Live in Me - Art Orienté Objet (FR)
01.09.2011 17:30-18:30
The Prix Ars Electronica is the world’s highest endowed prize for digital arts. It’s awarded in seven categories. The CyberArts 2011 exhibition showcases prizewinning works in Hybrid Art, Interactive Art and Digital Musics & Sound Art. The opening takes place at September 1st 5:30 pm. You can join a guided tour every day at 1:30 pm.
A Balloon for …
Davide Tidoni (IT)
is an itineran
01.09.2011 18:30-23:00
In search of origins, the world’s underpinnings and the meaning of it all, Theater Hausruck (AT) has configured a surrealistic landscape painting as the set of a (pseudo) scientific, (theatrical-) archeological experiment in the forests of Upper Austria’s Hausruck region. Spun off from an operatic procession of pilgrims, Neuland proceeds along a mountain ridge to a research & education camp th
FM4 Homebase live from ARS Electronica Festival 2011
01.09.2011 19:00-22:00
19:00 – 22:00: FM4 Homebase live vom ARS Electronica Festival 2011
Moderation: Gerlinde Lang