Ars Electronica Gala

Fri 6. 9. 18:30
Brucknerhaus, Großer Saal

Koen van Mechelen (BE), Golden Nica Hybrid Arts

Nicolas Bernier (CA), Golden Nica Digital Musics & Sound Art

El Campo de Cebada (ES), Golden Nica Digital Communities

Dominik Koller (AT), Golden Nica u19 – CREATE YOUR WORLD

An evening with the crème de la crème of the digital arts – a highlight of the 2013 Ars Electronica Gala will be the ceremony at which the Golden Nica statuettes are bestowed upon the Prix Ars Electronica prizewinners.

Please note that due to the limited seats you will need a separate invitation or a seat reservation of the Gala.

Fri 6. 9. 18:30
Brucknerhaus, Großer Saal

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