“Energy & Quality of Life” is the Theme of the LINZ CHANGES Exhibition

September 28 to October 6, 2013 / Urfahr Autumn Fair
“Energy & Quality of Life” is the Theme of the LINZ CHANGES Exhibition
Staged under the auspices of Unternehmensgruppe Stadt Linz

(Linz, September 26, 2013) The sixth LINZ CHANGES exhibition featuring a very relevant theme and brand new installations will run from September 28 to October 6 at the Urfahr Autumn Fair. This time around, the focus in on Energy & Quality of Life. Interactive installations conceived and developed by the Ars Electronica Futurelab highlight current efforts to make Linz more energy efficient and to assure a high quality of life here. In this spirit, exhibition visitors can get good tips on how to save energy, and find out whether their rooftop is a suitable location for solar panels. And to prove that energy conservation can also be lots of fun, we’ve designed an energy workshop in which creative types can turn toothbrushes, tiny solar modules and arts-and-crafts material into peppy solar-powered beetles that are ready to compete in races with virtually no ecological footprint.

LINZ CHANGES – A Prototype Space for Experiences

The setting of this presentation of Linz is a 20×37-meter pavilion, a striking venue designed by ANY:TIME. On the exterior, a 6½-meter-tall cube is completely surrounded by a strip of artificial turf, a green band meant to symbolize the successful environmental protection measures that have so tremendously enhanced the quality of life in Linz. On both sides of the entrance, this façade seems to have been rolled away to open up a view of the mirrored metal interior. This material transition from green artificial turf to polished metal alludes to the numerous layers on which the so-called “Linz System” is based. Plus, it reflects each individual visitor, who thus becomes a part of the whole.

Linz in Numbers

Linz in Numbers presents different facts about the city and the work of “Unternehmensgruppe Linz” (UGL). The slide shows displayed on the screens can be selected by topic: Future Linz, Social Aspects, Life, Education, Traffic, Infrastructure, Health, Sports & Leisure, Culture. The visitors can skim through the facts, according to their interests.

Linz from Above

As soon as visitors step inside, they get a one-of-a-kind look at Linz—a high-definition, 150-m2 print spread out across the floor showing the entire city from a bird’s-eye view. One is immediately struck by the tremendous area covered by green acres and forest, the lush strip of parkland extending along the riverbank, and the Danube itself. Then there are the stately historic structures nestled together in the Old City, the spacious boulevards and narrow lanes branching off from the Main Square and radiating out into modern residential neighborhoods.

We Are Linz

“We Are Linz” was inspired by a beloved children’s book. A picture is taken of every visitor inside an illuminated photography cube. Then a computer divides each image into three horizontal segments—head, trunk and legs—and displays them on a projection screen. But here, they’re randomly combined with segments from other installation visitors to create a seemingly infinite series of variations.


This installation takes visitors on a fascinating excursion into Linz’s past. Postcards featuring pictures of Linz in bygone days are arrayed on an interactive table that also displays the contemporary view corresponding to each historical image. Old and new perspectives create interesting contrasts and bring out the city’s tremendously dynamic development. Some older guests will recall the Linz of their childhood; the city’s younger residents will be able to discover elements of the cityscape that seem familiar and strange at the same time. Visitors to the Urfahr Autumn Fair are sure to enjoy a fascinating array of picture postcards from bygone days.


An extremely high-definition panorama wall measuring about 16 meters in length invites visitors to embark on a most extraordinary tour of Linz. This trip around town literally takes in the entire area within the city limits. At every destination you choose, you can zoom right in and examine the minutest details.

Vital Signs

Linz is the nerve center of Upper Austria’s medical infrastructure. First and foremost is Linz General Hospital with its state-of-the-art technology in such departments as radiology and nuclear medicine, and a highly advanced diagnostics laboratory. This installation lets visitors take a fascinating look at everyday life in a major metropolitan hospital. In doing so, it embeds a medical-technological interface into an artistic-experimental context: a visitor’s pulse is measured and, via a special interface, linked to statistical data from the daily operations of Linz GH.

Finger Marathon

The Borealis Linz Donau Marathon has really made a name for itself in recent years as an annual conclave of top European runners. The “Finger Marathon” installation invites individuals or groups of up to 4 persons equipped with mobile tablet computers to cover a part of the Linz Marathon route by moving their fingers across the display. The action figures on screen are personalized with the player’s own photo. They can be seen in profile during the race, while Linz landmarks whiz by in the background. After crossing the finish line, there’s an awards ceremony, and the player’s photo and score take their place on the ranking list.

Engergy Missions

A responsible handling and an efficient use of our available energy is a key factor for our future quality of life. The installation “Energy Missions” at the “Linz Changes” tent conveys in a playful way how each one of us can save energy and money in addition to reducing environmental impact. Energy saving tips are communicated in the form of energy missions connected to power saving, heating, and mobility, which are carried out by the participants.

Energy Workshop

The energy workshop demonstrates that efficient use of energy can also be a lot of fun: With nothing more than a toothbrush head, a small solar cell, a vibration motor and some decoration material you can build one of these fabulous toy robots.


“SimLinz” is an interactive data pool that interlinks historical and current maps of the city, statistical data and photos. Users can analyze Linz’s key utility networks—electrical grid, district heating pipes, public transportation lines—as well as photovoltaic locations and planned public housing developments.

24 Hours Linz.Living.Together

About 10,000 men and women work for the City of Linz’s municipal services & enterprises to insure the high quality of life here. Some of these employees weren’t born in Austria. The video installation of the IMPORT/EXPORT project (www.importundexport.at) features portraits of them.

Futuristic Linz – Shadowgram

There is probably no other city in Austria where a focus on the future exerts a more powerful influence on political and cultural life than in Linz. “Shadowgram” spotlights Linzers’ plans, hopes and aspirations for the future. First of all, each visitor poses behind a wall of light and is photographed—the result is a shadow image showing a human silhouette. This shot is then printed out as a miniature sticker that is applied to a map of Linz. There, it is augmented by a speech balloon in which the individual depicted can make a statement expressing what’s on his/her mind.

A Joint Project of the City of Linz Municipal Enterprises

The LINZ CHANGES exhibition is being produced jointly by the City of Linz and its municipal services & enterprises: local government agencies, the utilities, the general hospital, the senior center, the concert hall, Ars Electronica, the real estate development corporation, the information & communications technology provider, the Tobacco Processing Plant development corporation, the security patrol, the municipal housing authority, the Design Center management company, the local light railway and the airport. The exhibition’s interactive installations were created by the Ars Electronica Futurelab; the exhibition architecture is the work of ANY:TIME, a Linz firm; Messemanagement Linz GmbH set up the exhibition tent.

Press Release “Energy & Quality of Life is the Theme of the LINZ CHANGES Exhibition / PDF

Energy Workshop / Martin Hieslmair / Printversion / Album

Views / Robertba / Printversion / Album

Linz from Above / Martin Hieslmair / Printversion / Album

SimLinz / Martin Hieslmair / Printversion / Album