Brains for Everybody and Linz City Views

Brains for Everybody and Linz City Views
“Brains for All” Talks: Embodiment – Why Body and Mind Form a Holistic Entity / Thursday, November 21, 2013 / 6:30 PM
Deep Space LIVE: Linz City Views through the Years / Thursday, November 21, 2013 / 8 PM

(Linz, November 19, 2013) Visitors to the Ars Electronica Center are in for a real treat this coming Thursday, November 21. At 6:30 PM, neuroscientist Dr. Manuela Macedonia of the Max Planck Institute in Leipzig will discuss the extent to which body and mind are interconnected and how the body supports the mind. And at 8 PM, Dr. Cornelia Daurer of the Linz Municipal Archive will accompany audience members on a journey into the past—her jumbo-format, high-definition images show how the Linz cityscape has changed over the centuries.

Advances in Brain Research

More and more people are finding out about the exciting advances being made in brain research. The main reason for this heightened interest is the modern imaging technology that lets us see how the brain actually works. These diverse and colorful depictions of neuronal activities have heightened people’s curiosity and elicited fascination for phenomena that were previously hidden from our view. In May and June, the Ars Electronica Center Linz is hosting a lecture series about the brain by Manuela Macedonia, a neuroscientist on the staff of the Max Planck Institute Leipzig. She also initiated the “Neuroscience for You” project that makes authoritative information about brain research available to laypeople.

Deep Space

A visit to Deep Space is a truly unforgettable experience. It’s quipped with a total of eight 1080p high-definition and active stereo-capable Barco Galaxy NH12 projectors that can display 16×9-meter, crystal-clear images on the walls and floor. Whether you’re into great works from the history of art, space travel, journeys of discovery in the nanoworld, or a 3D South Sea island for kids, there are countless realms to discover in Deep Space.

Interviews with Manuela Macedonia
on neuroscience as well as a talk with Cornelia Daurer on the working methods of the Linz Municipal Archive can be found on the Ars Electronica Blog.

Press Release “Brains for Everybody and Linz City Views” / PDF
Premotor Cortex / Dr. Manuela Macedonia (Software Brain Voyager Tutor) / Printversion / Album
Deep Space LIVE – Linz / rubra / Printversion / Album