Ars Electronica Center
New series of exhibitions with Linz Art University

Further Links

press release: TIME OUT / PDF
press photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/arselectronica/sets/72157638850248904
interview: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gerhard Funk on the Ars Electronica Blog about TIME OUT
TIME OUT .01: https://ars.electronica.art/center/en/2014/01/09/time-out-01/
Time-based and Interactive Media: http://www.ufg.ac.at/index.php?id=1678&L=1

(Linz, January 29, 2014) TIME OUT is a new series of exhibitions at the Ars Electronica Center designed to showcase interesting new work by young media art students in Linz Art University’s Time-based and Interactive Media program. For the premiere, Stefan Tiefengraber (AT) and Viktor Delev (MK/AT) impressively demonstrate their extraordinary artistic capabilities. “What we’re showing here isn’t the run-of-the-mill,” emphasized Gerhard Funk, director of the Time-based and Interactive Media bachelor program. “Stefan Tiefengraber and Viktor Delev are our elite.” Ars Electronica Artistic Director Gerfried Stocker agreed: “I’m very much looking forward to showing these works by Stefan and Viktor to our Prix jurors in early May.” Bernhard Baier, Linz deputy mayor and commissioner of cultural affairs, expressed pleasure at this new mode of collaboration between Linz Art University and the Ars Electronica Center: “These two institutions have already been working together for years in conjunction with the festival, so this long-term museum-based collaboration amounts to the next logical step—one that provides enriched offerings for museum visitors while imparting additional motivation to art students.” The Ars Electronica Center’s new TIME OUT exhibition series debuts on Thursday, January 30, 2014 at 7 PM. Admission is free of charge.

TIME OUT .01 / Projects

Data Distortion Drawing Machine (2012-13) / Stefan Tiefengraber (AT)

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KaTpYbNloU
Photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/arselectronica/sets/72157638850248904/
Website: http://www.stefantiefengraber.com/ddd.php

This analog installation essentially consists of a pendulum and a rectangular plate to which a coat of black water-based paint has been applied. The plate is mounted on a wall directly behind the pendulum, which, when it’s set in motion, abrades away portions of the black layer. For 10 to 15 hours, the pendulum works its way downwards—millimeter by millimeter, scratch by scratch—and generates impressive images. The length of each arc-shaped swing is determined by certain magnitudes measured in advance: at several locations in Linz including the Ars Electronica Center, Stefan Tiefengraber measured the electromagnetic radiation and then input his results into the database of “Data Distortion Drawing Machine.” But since the machine is intentionally set up to work imprecisely (data are constantly being lost), each image is unique and can never be reproduced.

User Generated Server Destruction (2013) / Stefan Tiefengraber (AT)
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iy32eLdhHk4
Photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/arselectronica/sets/72157638850248904/
Web: http://www.stefantiefengraber.com/ugsd.php

“User Generated Server Destruction” carries on a long tradition of self-destroying machines. The work consists, on one hand, of a mechanical installation and a server, and, on the other hand, a website hosted by that server. In the installation at the Ars Electronica Center, there are six heavy hammers mounted atop the server (represented by the housing of a PC). The hammers are first raised vertically with their metal heads uppermost. A click on the website releases their locking mechanism, whereupon two juxtaposed hammers swing downwards and smash against the sides of the server’s housing. This is repeated as often as it takes to destroy the server and thus take down the website. In this way, Stefan Tiefengraber gives users the power to do something that only computer viruses and technicians gaining access to the maximum-security inner sanctum of a modern server farm are otherwise capable of: destroying a server and the data stored on it.

your unerasable text (2011-12) / Stefan Tiefengraber (AT)
Video: http://vimeo.com/37541210
Photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/arselectronica/sets/72157638850248904/
Web: http://www.stefantiefengraber.com/yourunerasabletext.php

“your unerasable text” is an interactive installation that questions whether, and if so, how, data can be erased once they’ve been digitized. The work consists of a typical off-the-shelf printer mounted on a pedestal and a paper shredder set up right beneath it. Installation visitors or passers-by are requested to send an SMS—any content they wish—to a particular telephone number. This text message is forwarded to a computer and then to the above-mentioned printer, which proceeds to print it out in DIN A6 format. The print-out then descends into the paper shredder where, following a brief moment of “hesitation,” it is shredded. What emerge are thin strips of paper, which fall to the ground and form a growing pile. So it seems as though the message has been destroyed—if it weren’t for the many digital copies that were stored to memory over the course of the message’s transmission from telephone to telephone and from computer to printer, and that can recalled at any time.

Anatta (2013-14) / Viktor Delev (MK/AT)
Photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/arselectronica/sets/72157638850248904/

“Anatta” is an impressive dance performance that blends interactive technology and performative art in such a way that neither element dictates how the other proceeds. Via laser-tracking, the mostly monochrome projections on the installation space’s walls and floor react to the movements of dancer Joanna Gruberska (PL) and vice-versa. The result is reciprocal interplay among the human body, the projection and the performance space, whereby the boundary between action and reaction becomes blurred. Those attending the vernissage of TIME OUT .01 can experience “Anatta” beginning at 7 PM in Deep Space at the Ars Electronica Center. The presentation also officially concludes Viktor Delev’s work to earn his bachelor’s degree.

TIME OUT 01 / The Artists

Stefan Tiefengraber (AT)


Stefan Tiefengraber was born in 1981. He’s been enrolled in Linz Art University’s Time-based and Interactive Media program since 2010. His artistic work includes performances, interactive installations, music clips, documentaries and short films. Stefan Tiefengraber also works as a cameraman and film editor.

Viktor Delev (MK/AT)

Viktor Delev was born in 1988. After getting his degree in software development, he enrolled in Linz Art University’s Time-based and Interactive Media bachelor program. His interactive installations and short films have already been featured in several exhibitions. Viktor Delev also works as a software developer in the automotive/CGI field.


Bernhard Baier, Linz deputy mayor and commissioner of cultural affairs

“Projects such as TIME OUT not only enrich cultural life in Linz; they also enhance educational opportunities available here. After all, what student wouldn’t get fired up by the prospect of exhibiting his/her artwork in a facility like the Ars Electronica Center. In light of the fact that this is a veritable crossroads of curators from all over the world—throughout the year, though especially during the Festival—then there is certainly no better way for up-and-coming young Linz artists to give high-profile demonstrations of their talents. Ars Electronica and Linz Art University have regularly collaborated very effectively over the years—for instance, on the Festival’s annual Campus showcase and numerous international exhibitions. Now, TIME OUT is making this an ongoing museum-based partnership.”

Gerhard Funk, director of Linz Art University’s Time-based and Interactive Media bachelor program

“The Time-based and Interactive Media bachelor program offers comprehensive and highly professional approaches to the theory, technology and design of digital media. It’s geared towards students interested in gaining in-depth skills and wide-ranging experience in the areas of video, audio, installation, interface and interaction. In this program, the accent is on providing students with plenty of creative latitude to express themselves using the means afforded by audiovisual technology, to experiment with digital media, and to bring their own ideas to fruition. Now, this TIME OUT event series being staged in cooperation with Ars Electronica is giving up-and-coming young media artists enrolled in this program the opportunity to exhibit their work in the AEC. The premiere features three media art projects that Stefan Tiefengraber has already shown in Korea and Norway, and “Anatta,” an interactive dance performance conceived by Viktor Delev and performed by dancer Joanna Gruberska in Deep Space. This work is also Viktor Delev’s degree project.”

Data Distortion Drawing Machine / Stefan Tiefengraber / Printversion / Album

User Generated Server Destruction / Stefan Tiefengraber / Printversion / Album

your unerasable text / Stefan Tiefengraber / Printversion / Album

Anatta / Christopher Sonnleitner / Printversion / Album