Deep Space LIVE: Making the Visible Visible

(Linz, July 1, 2010) Our perception of the world (or of what we distinguish as “reality”) is inseparably embedded in space and time. Any change of this perception makes us uneasy. Or is our entrée to undreamt-of freedom(s). Regardless of how any one of us ultimately experiences such an extraordinary situation, one thing’s for sure: it’s always exciting. “Making the Visible Visible” is a series of such exceptional situations being staged by the Ars Electronica Center and Edition Lammerhuber every Thursday from July 1 to August 19, 2010 at 8 PM. The venue is the Ars Electronica Center’s Deep Space. Here, the urban architectural elegance of Paris blends together with the aesthetics of the world’s largest bordello, the Musée du Louvre; here, the metamorphoses of an imperial palace are played out; here, the vagina and breasts of the mother of all art are displayed for all to see. In short: new facets of our world will be made visible here every Thursday as they’ve never been witnessed before. Read more

Grand Louvre

Grand Louvre / Lois Lammerhuber, Edition Lammerhuber / Printversion / Album