World Wide Waves

World Wide Waves
Monday, June 16, 2014 / 7 PM / Ars Electronica Center

press release “World Wide Waves” / PDF

(Linz, June 13, 2014) An audiovisual 3-D journey around the world awaits music aficionados on Monday, June 16, 2014 at 7 PM. Ars Electronica Center and Linz Music School are jointly showcasing creations by participants in Sound Factory EXTD, a one-semester unit of instruction on the production of electronic sounds. Admission to this end-of-course concert is free of charge. Plus, there’ll be performances of impressive works by Marco Palewicz and Petra Wurz’s students at the Music School of the City of Linz. Deputy Mayor Bernhard Baier, chairman of the board of directors of Ars Electronica Linz GmbH and the municipal official whose area of responsibility includes musical education, expressed delight that the two facilities are working together: “This concert evening in the Ars Electronica Center’s Deep Space is a great opportunity to spotlight the tremendous potential and creativity of these young music devotees.” Sound Factory EXTD will be reprised next semester. Due to strong popular demand, there’ll be courses for adults too. You can get additional info and preregister for Sound Factory EXTD courses online at or by calling the Musikschule Linz Service Center at 0732/7070-1816.

Sound Factory EXTD – Linz Music School’s Computer Course

The Ars Electronica Center’s SoundLab opens its doors to music students. This course—the first of its kind in Upper Austria—targets sound enthusiasts interested in producing, recording and processing music with digital devices and on the computer. The sessions last 100 minutes and are held every two weeks throughout the semester. Instructor is sound artist Marco Palewicz alias Marco XY.

Courses for Beginners, Advanced Users and Adults

In addition to learning basic terms and concepts, beginners get an introduction to methods of recording music and sounds with Ableton software, processing their material, and producing songs. Advanced users deal with remixing music and sound design, and can experiment with stuff like deejaying at the computer, improvising, and recontextualizing audio signals. Due to great popular demand, a course especially for adults will be offered for the first time in winter semester 2014-15.
World Wide Waves / rubra / Printversion / Album
Sound Factory / Martin Hieslmair / Printversion / Album