Brains for All and Deep Space LIVE: Panoptikum

Brains for All and Deep Space LIVE: Panoptikum

(Linz, June 24, 2014) A fascinating evening is in store for visitors to the Ars Electronica Center this Thursday, June 26th beginning at 6:30 PM. At the next event in the Brains for All series, neuroscientist Manuela Macedonia will show what reactions are triggered in the brain by trans fats and sugar, how high-calorie food changes our behavior, and which mechanisms cause many diets to fail. Then, Deep Space LIVE: Panoptikum at 8 PM features Ars Electronica Artistic Director Gerfried Stocker, Futurelab Director Horst Hörtner and Museum Director Christoph Kremer in an internet roundup spotlighting the latest developments in art, technology and society.

Advances in Brain Research

More and more people are finding out about the exciting advances being made in brain research. The main reason for this heightened interest is the modern imaging technology that lets us see how the brain actually works. These diverse and colorful depictions of neuronal activities have heightened people’s curiosity and elicited fascination for phenomena that were previously hidden from our view. In May and June, the Ars Electronica Center Linz is hosting a lecture series about the brain by Manuela Macedonia, a neuroscientist on the staff of the Max Planck Institute Leipzig. She also initiated the “Neuroscience for You” project that makes authoritative information about brain research available to laypeople.

Deep Space LIVE: Panoptikum

“Panoptikum” was a mainstay of Austria’s TV lineup for over 20 years. Now, it’s been reconceived and reformatted as a live show in Deep Space with features about the internet. At regular intervals, Ars Electronica Artistic Director Gerfried Stocker, Futurelab CEO Horst Hörtner, and Christoph Kremer, head of the Center, will present a roundup of the latest developments in art, technology, science and society.
Manuela Macedonia / Martin Hieslmair / Printversion / Album
Deep Space LIVE: Panoptikum / Juliane Leitner / Printversion / Album