Deep Space LIVE: Miraikan – Geo-Cosmos Content Contest

Deep Space LIVE: Miraikan – Geo-Cosmos Content Contest
Thursday, December 18, 2014 / 8-9 PM / Ars Electronica Center

Press Release: Deep Space LIVE: Miraikan – Geo-Cosmos Content Contest / PDF

(Linz, December 15, 2014) The focus will be on the visual depiction of complex global interrelationships at the next Deep Space LIVE on Thursday, December 18th at 8 PM, when the Ars Electronica Center showcases the best visualizations submitted for prize consideration by scientists and artists from all over the world to a competition staged by Miraikan, Japan’s most important science center. The works are wide-ranging indeed: the propagation of tsunami waves, changes in ozone concentration, pictorial representation of life expectancy and migratory currents in particular countries, and much more.

Miraikan National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation

At Miraikan, Japan’s most important science center, a focal-point theme for several years now has been the visualization of global interrelationships. To do it, the Tokyo facility developed a jumbo-sized simulator of planet Earth. Geo-Cosmos is a spherical display that’s seven meters in diameter and equipped with more than 10 million LEDs. It’s a projection surface suited to the latest satellite images and impressive visualizations that work with scientific and artistic content to deliver global insights into topics having to do with our Earth and make it easier to grasp worldwide interrelationships.
Tsunagari-Project / Miraikan-Museum / Printversion
