Pixels in the Sky and Berlin’s Pergamon Museum

Ars Electronica Center
Pixels in the Sky and Berlin’s Pergamon Museum

press release: Pixels in the Sky and Berlin’s Pergamon Museum / PDF

(Linz, February 9, 2015) Ars Electronica Futurelab staffer Andreas Jalsovec will give an update on the Spaxels at the next installment in the Future Life series this Thursday, February 12th at 3 PM. The live shows of the Futurelab’s quadcopter swarm have been creating a sensation worldwide. Then, at 8 PM, Deep Space LIVE lets you go on an extraordinary a guided tour of Berlin’s Pergamon Museum during which archaeologist/art historian Martin Hochleitner will present ancient treasures in the museum’s Near East collection. It’s made possible by the Google Art Project, which enables art lovers to take virtual tours of museums throughout the world.

Future Life

Since 1996 the ARS ELECTRONICA Futurelab has been looking into the future in relation to art, technology and society. The lab team brings together different disciplines. Above all transdisciplinarity and being internationally connected mark the way they work. Roland Haring will present the Ars Electronica Futurelab in the course of this series.

Further dates:

THU April 16, 2015: Future Releations – Hand in Hand with Robots
THU June 11, 2015: Future Live Performance – the Age of a New Stage?

Deep Space LIVE

The Ars Electronica Center hosts a Deep Space LIVE event every Thursday (except holidays) at 8 PM. Each presentation features ultra-high-definition imagery in 16×9-meter format and is accompanied by expert commentary, entertaining stand-up repartee, and musical improvisation. Whether great works from the history of art, space travel, journeys of discovery in the nanoworld, or a live concert is what you’ve come to behold, Deep Space LIVE stands for enlightening entertainment amidst breathtaking worlds of imagery. Holders of a valid Museum ticket are admitted free of charge.

Pergamonmuseum Berlin / Lestat (Jan Mehlich) / Printversion / Album

Andreas Jalsovec and Spaxels in Dubai / Printversion / Album