Art for Lententide

Ars Electronica Center
Art for Lententide
Sunday, March 22 / Wednesday, March 25 / Sunday, March 29 / Thursday, April 2, 2015

press release “Art for Lententide” / PDF

(Linz, March 19, 2015) “Art for Lententide” will be featured at the Ars Electronica Center from March 22nd to April 2nd. This show is produced in cooperation with the Linz Diocese, the Catholic-Theological Private University Linz, Bibelwerk and the Diocese’s Board of Artistic Affairs. The program includes a presentation by theologian Michael Zugmann and art historian Karin Mayer of high-definition images of three panels of the Gaspoltshofener Winged Altar, a speech by Silke Geppert about the numerous instances of extravagant depictions of saints in representation from the Middle Ages, as well as an event in Deep Space at which visitors can examine Leonardo da Vinci’s “The Last Supper” in the most minute detail.

Program overview:

The Gaspoltshofener Panels in Deep Space
Saturday & Saturday, March 22 and 29, 2015 / 11 AM-12 Noon

The Gaspoltshofener Panels including scenes of the Passion of Christ painted in 1522 are among the most important works from the time of the Danube School in Upper Austria. In Ars Electronica Center’s Deep Space, Michael Zugmann and Karin Mayer will present high-definition photographs of three panels that were damaged in a fire and have since been restored.

Fashion under the Cross
Wednesday, March 25, 2015 / 6 PM / Deep Space

Beginning in the mid-15th century at the latest, a quite conspicuous feature of the depictions of saints is their very fashionable attire. Silke Geppert, a cultural studies scholar, will discuss the representation of clothing and Medieval dress codes on March 25th in Deep Space.

The Gaspoltshofener Panels: The Originals
Thursday, April 2, 2015 / 4 PM / Petrinum Linz; fee: €5; mandatory preregistration via e-mail to or by calling 0732.7272.51

Art historian Judith Wimmer and theologian Michael Zugmann will accompany a group on a visit to the original Gaspoltshofener Panels in the Diocese’s collection housed in Petrinum Linz.

“The Last Supper” in Deep Space
Thursday, April 2, 2015 / 6 PM

On Holy Thursday, visitors to Deep Space can behold 16×9-meter, ultra-close-up views of “The Last Supper” by Leonardo da Vinci and discover details that are hardly apparent when viewing the actual painting. With Michael Zugmann.
Die Gaspoltshofener Tafeln / Diözese Linz / Printversion / Album
Das letzte Abendmahl / rubra / Printversion / Album