Family Days: Easter

Family Days: Easter
Saturday & Sunday, March 28-29, 2015 / 10 AM-6 PM

press release “Family Days: Easter” / PDF

(Linz, March 24, 2015) Family Days at the Ars Electronica Center this coming weekend is a great way to get into the Easter spirit! Visitors both young and old are invited to go on an Easter egg hunt via quadrocopter, program computer games (no prerequisite skills!) and hide fun surprises inside, command a robot to paint your Easter eggs exactly the way you want them, or build a flying machine for egg transportation purposes and send it aloft on its first sortie.

An overview of the Family Days program:

GameStage@Family Days: A Game with Character
Saturday & Sunday, March 28-29 / 2-5 PM / for 8-12-year-olds

Easter eggs aren’t only hidden in your own back yard; you can sometimes come across them in computer games too. These are cleverly secreted elements that players can discover during the course of elaborate journeys of discovery in computer gaming worlds. By using the online tool ZIEGE, young visitors—even those with no prior programming experience—can design their own games and hide Easter eggs in them.

Egg Hunt via Quadrocopter

Saturday & Sunday, March 28-29 / 11:00-11:30 AM and 3:30-4 PM

The fun way to hunt for Easter eggs during Family Days is to fly a quadrocopter. Whoever adroitly pilots his/her drone will come across eggs that would otherwise be hard to reach!

Build an Egg Flying Machine

Sunday, March 29 / 1-3 PM

This year, in addition to eggs, the Easter bunny has brought a kit to make a flying machine too. The design of the aircraft is up to the builder, but the point is for the egg to survive the flight intact.

Easter Hybrids

Saturday & Sunday, March 28-29 / 10 AM-5:30 PM

In this workshop, visitors are invited to create hybrid Easter creatures. How about a fuzzy lamb with rabbit ears and a nest on its back?

Makey Makey

Saturday & Sunday, March 28-29 / 10:30 AM-1:30 PM

What does Easter actually sound like? Makey Makey delivers answers by coaxing sounds out of chocolate eggs, colorfully packed bunnies and Easter grass.

Egg-Bot in FabLab / Eggs under the Microscope in BioLab
Saturday & Sunday, March 28-29 / 10 AM-5:30 PM

Visitors to the Ars Electronica Center’s FabLab can design patterns that a robot then paints on their eggs for them! And anyone who’s always wanted to know what an egg yolk looks like magnified under a microscope will discover what they’re after in BioLab.

Family Tour
Saturday and Sunday / 11:30 AM, 2 and 3:30 PM, Duration: 1½ hours, fee: €3.50 (not included in admission), maximum of 15 persons, reservations recommended: call 0732.7272.51 or e-mail

This highly diversified family-style tour through the Museum of the Future has been enhanced with some fascinating thoughts about the future of our world.
Egg-Bot / Ars Electronica / Printversion
Ostereier-Suche / Martin Hieslmair / Printversion