Guided Tours for People with Hearing and Vision Impairments

New Offerings at the Ars Electronica Center
Guided Tours for People with Hearing and Vision Impairments

press release “Guided Tours for People with Hearing and Vision Impairments” / PDF

(Linz, March 31, 2015) The first guided tour of the Ars Electronica Center especially for deaf people will be offered on Friday, April 3, 2015 at 2 PM. This tour is to be conducted in sign language by a specially trained guide who is himself deaf. A tour for individuals with impaired vision is scheduled for Thursday, April 23, 2015 at 5 PM.

Three Hearing-impaired Museum Guides Trained in the Ars Electronica Center

Three deaf individuals have received instruction in recent weeks to serve as museum guides in the Ars Electronica Center. In addition to the usual training having to do with the exhibitions themselves, primary focus has been on developing didactic methods suitable for deaf visitors. The AEC has also solicited suggestions and feedback from organizations representing the interests of people with hearing impairments.

Tours Focusing on Technological Innovations

The focal-point theme of this initial series of tours is technological innovations and their multifarious impact on everyday life. This has been most evident of late in the field of medical technology. Increasingly effective devices are coming out—for the benefit of the deaf too!

Tours Will Soon Be Offered for People with Vision Impairments

In addition to tours for the deaf, the Ars Electronica Center will also offer a tour especially for people with impaired vision on Thursday, April 23, 2015, 5-6 PM. The theme is technē – The Interplay of Art and Technology.

Führung für Blinde und Sehbeeinträchtigte / Florian Voggeneder / Printversion / Album

Führung für Blinde und Sehbeeinträchtigte / Florian Voggeneder / Printversion / Album