Future Relations – Hand in Hand with Robots

Series of Talks: Future Life
Future Relations – Hand in Hand with Robots

press release: Future Relations – Hand in Hand with Robots

(Linz, April 13, 2015) Martina Mara, media psychologist on the staff of the Ars Electronica Futurelab, will talk on the subject of “Future Relations – Hand in Hand with Robots” on Thursday, April 16, 2015, 3-4 PM. The target audience is pupils in the 5th grade and up.

Human Beings and Machines in the Future

Mail delivery drones, self-driving autos and robotic nurses—service-provider robots are the coming thing in more and more areas of everyday life in the workplace and at home over the next decade. But in modes of deployment that are in close proximity to human beings, skepticism on the part of potential users is often still considerable. The questions this raises is how our future mechanical helpers should look and how they should communicate with us so as to maximize acceptance of this technology and make interaction with it an anxiety-free experience. Do we prefer robots that are as anthropomorphic as possible, or should machines remain clearly recognizable as such? These are the topics that Martina Mara’s talk will treat, and she’ll also elaborate on potential future human-robot interaction scenarios.

Future Life

Staff members of the internationally renowned Futurelab, Ars Electronica’s in-house R&D division, will talk about the areas their research is currently focused on and discuss fascinating futuristic visions that could be our everyday reality very soon.

Upcoming talks in this series:
Thursday, June 11, 2015 / 3 PM: Future Live Performance – The Age of a New Stage?

Martina Mara / Dominik Gigler / Printversion

Martina Mata / Robert Gortana / Printversion