Deep Space LIVE: Linz’s Railroad Bridge

Ars Electronica Center
Deep Space LIVE: Linz’s Railroad Bridge
Thursday, November 3, 2016 / 7-8 PM

Press Release: Deep Space LIVE: Linz’s Railroad Bridge

(Linz, November 1, 2016) A 3-D visualization of the railroad bridge over the Danube in Linz is the highlight of the next Deep Space LIVE on Thursday, November 3rd. Visitors both young and old are sure to learn lots of interesting things about the technology of yesteryear and today. There’ll be a presentation about late-19th-century welding & joining technology as well as the laser scanning technology that was utilized to create a digital copy of the bridge. Our hosts are Christian Eichlseder (EF-Tech), Ute Streitt (author of the book “Die Linzer Eisenbahnbrücke”) and Felix Sadrawetz (SteelCERT).

Bridge Construction and 3-D Laser Scanning

A week after its official closure on February 27th, Linz’s railroad bridge was measured one last time. An industrial tachymeter was used to lay out a highly precise network of 150 points on the bridge’s construction. Simultaneously, a 3-D laser scan was performed from 70 points dispersed across the span. This produced a thorough documentation of the structure including all details about its concrete supports and steel superstructure. The results of the 3-D scan—a so-called point cloud—will be screened beginning November 3rd in Deep Space at the Ars Electronica Center. Thanks to special software developed by the Ars Electronica Futurelab, spectators can behold the bridge from uncommon perspectives.

Deep Space LIVE

Jeden Donnerstag, 19 Uhr (ausgenommen Feiertage) lädt das Ars Electronica Center zu einem Deep Space LIVE. Hochauflösende Bildwelten im Format von 16 mal 9 Metern treffen dabei auf fachkundigen Kommentar, unterhaltsame Doppel-Conférencen oder musikalische Improvisation. Ob nun kunsthistorische Spurensuche, Weltraumflug, Entdeckungsreise in die Nanowelt oder LIVE-Konzert – Deep Space LIVE steht für aufschlussreiche Unterhaltung inmitten beeindruckender Bildwelten. Mit einem gültigen Museumsticket ist der Eintritt kostenlos.
3-D-Scan Eisenbahnbrücke Linz / Fotocredit: Ars Electronica Futurelab / Printversion