Deep Space LIVE: Color Vision in Astrophotography

Ars Electronica Center
Deep Space LIVE: Color Vision in Astrophotography
June 8, 2017 / 7 PM / Ars Electronica Center

Press Release: Deep Space LIVE – Color Vision in Astrophotography / PDF

(Linz, June 5, 2017) Medical and astronomical aspects of color vision will occupy the focal point at the next Deep Space LIVE on Thursday, June 8th at 7 PM. Astrophotographer Dr. Dietmar Hager will host a presentation of topics ranging from the physiology of the eye to the calibration of equipment used to take pictures of the heavens.

About Dietmar Hager

Dietmar Hager is a physician and a photographer. He has worked in the field of astrophotography for over 20 years and published images in international journals and textbooks. He has served as the Ars Electronica Center’s astronomy consultant since 2011.

Deep Space LIVE

The Ars Electronica Center is hosting a Deep Space LIVE event every Thursday (except holidays). Each presentation will feature ultra-high-definition imagery in 16×9-meter format and will be accompanied by expert commentary, entertaining stand-up repartee, and musical improvisation. Whether great works from the history of art, space travel, journeys of discovery in the Nanoworld, or a live concert is what you’ve come to behold, Deep Space LIVE stands for enlightening entertainment amidst breathtaking worlds of imagery.
Die Bildhauer-Galaxie / Fotocredit: Magdalena Sick-Leitner / Printversion