Thursday Evening in Deep Space 8K

Ars Electronica Center
Thursday Evening in Deep Space 8K

Press release: Thursday Evening in Deep Space 8K / PDF
Aoife Van Linden Tol on the Ars Electronica Blog

(Linz, June 21, 2017) An overview of current trends and upcoming programs in the field of space travel is in store for visitors to the next Deep Space LIVE on Thursday, June 22, 2017. At 7 PM, Alexander Soucek of the OeWF–Austrian Space Forum will provide a behind-the-scenes look at space agencies and demonstrate that organizations throughout the world are hard at work on trailblazing initiatives to understand the cosmos and make use of it. The evening’s program kicks off at 6 PM with Irish media artist Aoife Van Linden Tol. The artist just spent the first half of her art & science Residency at the European Space Agency (ESA); now, she’s in Linz for two weeks at the Ars Electronica Futurelab working on the project inspired by her sojourn at the ESA.

Deep Space LIVE

The Ars Electronica Center hosts a Deep Space LIVE event every Thursday (except holidays) at 7 PM. Each presentation features ultra-high-definition imagery in 16×9-meter format and is accompanied by expert commentary, entertaining stand-up repartee, or musical improvisation. Whether great works from the history of art, space travel, journeys of discovery in the nano-world or a live concert is what you’ve come to behold, Deep Space LIVE stands for enlightening entertainment amidst breathtaking worlds of imagery. Holders of a valid Museum ticket are admitted free of charge.

The Austrian Space Forum

Das OeWF–Austrian Space Forum is a network of space travel specialists and laymen interested in this field who work together with national and international research facilities, private enterprises and government agencies. The forum has a core of very active members whose occupations bring them into close contact with other national and international space organizations. Many members are space enthusiasts who bring their respective skills and interests to bear in the ÖWF. The Forum’s activities include holding talks in school classes, staging exhibitions (attendance up to 80,000) on space exploration & travel, preparing expert opinions for the Austrian federal government, participating in international Mars expedition simulations, and promoting terrestrial applications of technologies spun off by space travel.

About Aoife Van Linden Tol

Aoife van Linden Tol was born in 1978 in Ireland. She is a graduate of Central St. Martin’s College of Art and Design. Her work has been featured at major venues worldwide including ICA London, MOMA and in Berlin). Since 2002, the artist has been working on artistic forms of explosions. In this connection, she explores complex topics having to do with nature, astronomy, chemistry and physics, and scientific inspirations have already made a major impact on her oeuvre. Her diverse spectrum of genres encompasses performances, installations, painting, photography and film. The artist creates abstract works that come to terms with fundamental concepts related to time and material, as well as profound human feelings and motivations.

The European Digital Art and Science Network

Ars Electronica launched this international initiative together with seven artistic & cultural institutions, the European Space Agency (ESA), CERN, the European Southern Observatory (ESO) and Fraunhofer MEVIS. The European Digital Art and Science Network gives artists the opportunity to spend a stay of several weeks duration at the ESA, CERN, ESO, Fraunhofer MEVIS and at the Ars Electronica Futurelab. The network seeks to interlink scientific aspects and ideas with the approaches used in digital art—interdisciplinary and intercultural exchange, and outreach to new target audiences. There is a strong focus on art’s role as catalyst in processes of social renewal. By creating images and narratives elaborating on the opportunities and risks inherent in technological and scientific developments, artists play a big part in determining how our society deals with these innovations.
Multi-dome lunar base / Fotocredit: ESA / Printversion
Aoife Van Linden Tol / Fotocredit: Florian Voggeneder / Printversion