Live Concert in Deep Space 8K
Friday, December 1, 2107 / 7 PM

(Linz, November 30, 2017) A mix of experimental music and extraordinary imagery is on display in Deep Space 8K this Friday, December 1st at 7 PM. This live concert is by an international ensemble made up of Dutchman Jaap Blonk (vocals) and Austrians Klaus Hollinetz (electronics) and Karen Schlimp (extended piano, concept). UNDER YOUR SKIN / Bodyterms combines electronic sounds with medical terminology, and images from inside the human body that serve as abstract scores for the trio of musicians. Medical expressions are transformed into so-called body sounds—sometimes disquieting, sometimes inspiring—that are interwoven with instrumental tones to thus evoke associations with our understanding of the body. UNDER YOUR SKIN is produced in cooperation with musik im raum, Sylvia Nürnberger, Johannes Zipperle and Heinz Redl of the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Experimental and Clinical Traumatology, and the Medical University of Vienna’s Austrian Cluster for Tissue Regeneration. Admission is free of charge.

Fotocredit: Ludwig Boltzmann Institut für experimentelle und klinische Traumatologie & Medizinische Universität Wien Printversion

Video Jaap Blonk

Klaus Hollinetz

Karen Schlimp