ESERO Austria and Ars Electronica Center arranging a live chat with an astronaut

ESERO Austria and Ars Electronica Center arranging a live chat with an astronaut
“This is Paolo Nespoli aboard the ISS. Do you read me?”

Press Release as PDF

(Linz / ISS, November 30, 2017) ESERO Austria and the Ars Electronica Center are hosting a very special chat on Monday, December 4, 2017—an in-flight call to Italian astronaut Paolo Nespoli aboard the International Space Station. This video conference is part of the ESERO program that gives pupils and teachers an opportunity to get a first-hand look at life and work on the ISS. Plus, a fascinating lineup of presentations about space-related topics will precede and follow the in-flight call. A video about the ISS is being screened in Deep Space 8K, and open workshops will offer teachers and pupils a chance to work with instructional materials developed by the European Space Agency. Participation is free of charge. Please pre-register by e-mail to

ESERO Austria

ESERO stands for European Space Education Resource Office. The Ars Electronica Center has been the official Austrian bureau of this European network since June 2016. The aim of ESERO’s programs is to take advantage of young people’s fascinating with outer space to encourage them to get involved in science and technology. The main target audience consists of teachers in primary & secondary schools. The project’s long-term mission is for more young women and men to opt for careers in technical and scientific fields. To achieve this, ESERO provides teachers with a wide array of classroom instructional materials and continuing professional education programs.
Paolo Nespoli / credit: ESA–Stephane Corvaja, 2017 / Printversion
Deep Space 8K / credit: Christopher Sonnleitner / Printversion
ISS at Deep Space 8K / credit: Robert Bauernhansl / Printversion