Future Innovators Summit TOKYO

Tokyo as proving ground of humankind’s future
Future Innovators Summit TOKYO

Press Release: Future Innovators Summit TOKYO / PDF
Applications for the Future Innovators Summit TOKYO
Ars Electronica Blog: Future Innovators Summit TOKYO
Video: Future Innovators Summit

(Tokyo / Linz, February 1, 2018) “Tokyo as a Laboratory for the Future” is the theme of the Future Innovators Summit TOKYO that Japanese advertising agency Hakuhodo Inc. and Ars Electronica are hosting May 25-27, 2018 at TOKYO Midtown Atrium. The search is now on for artists, designers, scientists, engineers, social activists and entrepreneurs from throughout the world who would like to become members of interdisciplinary teams jointly developing key questions dealing with Tokyo’s future. Sound interesting? Applications are now being accepted at http://www.aeti.jp/en/. The deadline is February 28, 2018.

Future Innovators Summit TOKYO: Questions about Tokyo’s Future

At Future Innovators Summit TOKYO, a megalopolis with over 9 million inhabitants is serving as a laboratory for the future. In these discussions of the future of Japan’s capital, the focus will be on three issues: What is life and death in a city with the fastest aging society? What would be the future of fashion and body borne in a city embracing the world’s most advanced technology? What could be the future relations of individuals and public in a mega-city with no common space? At Future Innovators Summit TOKYO, teams of five participants each will convene in workshops to consider these three issues and develop missions and new questions that lead to more profound insights into these topics. A concluding presentation is scheduled for the Summit’s final day. Accompanying the discussions will be presentations of projects by participating innovators, and prototypes of the future of a wide array of enterprises.

Ars Electronica Tokyo Initiative

Future Innovators Summit is a hands-on discussion format developed by the Ars Electronica Futurelab and Hakuhodo Inc. This ad hoc think-tank has been a highlight of the annual Ars Electronica Festival in Linz since 2014. In spring 2017, collaboration was expanded and the Ars Electronica Tokyo Initiative established. Its mission is to answer a question: What can we do to make things better in Tokyo and, as a result, in Japan as a whole? This is conceived as a joint endeavor to develop ideas that could make a major impact on society in the future. The aim is to work together with artists, inventors, companies and government agencies, and launch initiatives to implement these ideas in contemporary society. Under the slogan “Create for Tokyo Together,” the Summit’s organizers have joined forces to combine their respective strengths—Ars Electronica’s Art Thinking and Hakuhodo Inc.’s People Thinking—the capacity to grasp human-centered ideas and points of view. The point is to nurture innovations that are conducive to a future in which humankind is always the primary consideration.

FIS 2017 / credit: tom mesic / Printversion

FIS 2017 / credit: Florian Voggeneder / Printversion

FIS 2016 / credit: Florian Voggeneder / Printversion
