School Jamboree at the Museum of the Future

Ars Electronica Center
School Jamboree at the Museum of the Future
Wednesday, March 7, 2018 / 7 AM-3:30 PM

(Linz, March 4, 2018) The Ars Electronica Center has a great line up of activities in store for school classes in conjunction with “Schule schaut Museum,” a nationwide program being held this Wednesday, March 7th. Highlights include a guided tour offering a behind-the-scenes look at the Center, 3-D journeys through outer space, fascinating insights into human anatomy, and playful experimentation in the Kids’ Research Lab. All school types and grade levels can take part free of charge. Please register by calling 0732.7272.51 or via e-mail to

Schule schaut Museum Action Day

This event was initiated by the Joanneum Museum in Graz, and museums nationwide are participating. It’s conceived as a way to encourage youngsters to encounter art, culture and nature, and to emphasize the fruitful collaboration of educational institutions and museums.

An overview of the program:

Kids’ Research Lab for School Groups / for 6-8-year-olds / 9-10:30 AM and 12 Noon-1:30 PM

“Play is the highest form of research” Albert Einstein once said. The Ars Electronica Center’s Kids’ Research Lab puts Einstein’s idea into action with activities that enable youngsters to explore, discover and understand via play. The Lab offer 11 stations kids age 6 to 8—entertaining first steps in programming, getting acquainted with the universe, and experimenting with an incident-light microscope.

Deep Space Focus “Astronomy” / 5th Grade and up
10:30-11 AM

The sight of the starry night sky has fascinated humankind since time immemorial. In Deep Space 8K at the Ars Electronica Center, the views of the stars are so close-up you could almost reach out and touch them. Astronomy enthusiasts will enjoy this 3-D journey through the known universe.

Behind-the-scenes Tour / 5th Grade and up
11 AM-12:30 PM

The Ars Electronica Center glows, changes colors and blinks. A behind-the-scenes array of monitor screens, beamers and processors is what it takes to deliver an informative and entertaining museum visit. But where do all the cables go? And how are the various prototypes, works of art, and scientific devices actually kept running?

Deep Space Focus “Images of the Human Body” / 5th Grade and up / 12:30-1 PM

Deep Space 8K’s technical infrastructure and 16×9-meter wall and floor projection surfaces make it an extraordinary virtual anatomy theater. Here, discovering the wonders of the human body becomes an impressive experience. Organs, muscles, bones, the cardiovascular system and the body’s network of nerves—layer by layer, extraordinarily detailed and breathtakingly beautiful 3-D visualizations deliver ultra-close-up views inside the human body.

Deep Space Focus “From Cultural Treasures to Media Art” / 5th Grade and up / 1:30-2 PM

In Deep Space 8K, you can behold distant galaxies right up close. This extraordinary presentation space provides an amazing graphic experience and gives spectators views that would be impossible without state-of-the-art technology.

Highlights Tour including Best of Deep Space 8K / For all grades / 2-3:30 PM

A highlight tour through the Ars Electronica Center provides a comprehensive overview of the various labs and temporary exhibitions. A visit to Deep Space 8K is also on the itinerary.
Die Bilder vom Körper / Fotocredit: Florian Voggeneder / Printversion
Kinderforschungslabor / Fotocredit: Vanessa Graf / Printversion
Astronomie im Deep Space 8K / Fotocredit: Robert Bauernhansl / Printversion