Family Days: Pentecost

Ars Electronica Center
Family Days: Pentecost
Saturday & Sunday, May 19-20, 2018 / 10 AM-6 PM

(Linz, May 16, 2018) A colorfully diverse lineup of activities awaits visitors to the Ars Electronica Center during Family Days this coming Pentecost weekend, May 19-20, 2018. There’s lots to do for young and old—design supercells, immerse yourself in the fascinating world of the microcosm, or try to decode the puzzling Voynich Manuscript in Deep Space 8K.

Overview of the Family Days program:

Workshop for Families: Microcosmonauts
Saturday & Sunday, May 19-20, 2018 / 11 AM-1 PM

Explorers—both young and old—can take a fascinating journey into the microcosmic realm. An array of microscopes provides astounding close-up views of grains of pollen, cells and fruit flies. There are lots of tricky assignments to complete during the course of this workshop—the Microcosmonaut Passport helps you solve them all.

Workshop: What Supercells Can You Imagine?
Saturday & Sunday, May 19-20, 2018 / 2-5 PM

Cells are the basic building blocks of life. The human body consists of more than 10 trillion of them, each with its own specific function. Participants in this workshop learn about the structure of these chambers of biological wonders, and they can even design their own personal cells—on the basis of natural models or simply the creation of ones own imagination.

Saturday & Sunday, May 19-20, 2018 / 3:30-4 PM

No visit to the Ars Electronica Center would be complete without a sojourn in Deep Space 8K. With its 16-by-9-meter wall & floor projections, Deep Space 8K is the favorite attraction of visitors to the Museum of the Future. The featured presentation during Family Days: Pentecost is a high-definition look at the Voynich Manuscript, the world’s only yet-undeciphered book, and the mysterious plants and animals depicted in it. And for all those with lots of energy and plenty of design ideas in mind, there’s the possibility OF drawing with your body movements and collaborating with other visitors to magically create an image on the wall.
Microcosmonauts / Fotocredit: rubra / Printversion
Supercells / Fotocredit: Magdalena Sick-Leitner / Printversion